Chapter 2: Welcome Back

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Gumball awoke to the feeling of a hand playing with his hair. He let out a sigh of relaxation before nuzzling into it. Oh how he loved this...Nicole's hairplay was always the best on him; no comparison. The way her claws slightly scrapped and massaged his scalp was almost otherworldly.

"Did you sleep okay?~" She asked with her lovely soft voice.

Gumball let out another happy sigh.


She smiled at that.

"I knew you would~"

Gumball started to blush at that statement.

"Come on, what can I say? You...wore me out..."

"And who's fault was THAT for making me go 'overboard'? Hmm?~"

Gumball rolled his eyes before sitting up a bit and stretching his arms and legs.

"I wasn't THAT intense..."

Nicole gave him an unphased smirk.

"Okay, okay...MAYBE I did...there. You happy?"

"Yes~" she replied, smiling broadly.

He should have known she was 'toying' with him again. There she goes, always playing her 'mind games' on him...

'Hmmm...maybe I should get even with her...YEP! Totally doing it!'



"You know...I do think you got a point..."

Nicole felt surprised.

"Y-you do?"

"Of course! I could I resist such a...lovely figure?~"

Gumball inched closer to her.

"To be so close to such a goddess such as yourself is quite the honor..."

Nicole felt a bit red to her cheeks.

"Oh you~"

"Gummybear, sweetie, honey bun~, I admit that you were right...I can't seem to resist you..."

He drew ever closer, now mere inches from her lips.

"But do you know what I can't seem to resist the most?~" He asked softly, making her feel his hot breathes.

"W-what?~" Nicole asked sensually, half lidded and almost in a love daze.

Just as Gumball was about to kiss her, he suddenly brought his hand quickly to her buttcheek and smacked it with quite a bit of force.

"I can't resist getting EVEN!" He announced before doing a cool backwards curl flip off the bed and onto the floor, hastily made his way out of the room; all while laughing maniacally.

After a second of processing what just happened, Nicole snarled.

"Why you little-!"

With rapid speed, Nicole flung the covers off her and leapt off the bed and ran quickly out the door in quick pursuit.

Gumball didn't get far, only just past the bottom of the stairs when Nicole practically leaped down them and onto the wooden floor below. Gumball ran into the kitchen and stood defensively behind the round kitchen table. Nicole quickly rushed in and stood on the opposite side of it.

"You can't run now!" She panted, sporting a devilish grin. "You're all mine..."

"Not so fast Gummybear, you still haven't caught me, remember?~" he tauntingly said, dropping his body a little and smirking ear to ear.

Starting New: Returning HomeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz