Chapter 11: An Ultimatum

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Sleep. Such a vital thing for the body and mind. To deny it what they truly need, only leads to disaster. To Nicole, right now, sleep had never felt so good. She couldn't remember the last time she slept so soundly. She Relieved. Warm...

So very warm...

Especially with him by her side.


Nicole felt her body slowly drift off into a deeper form of sleep, before she saw Gumball before her. She was dreaming, she knew it, but seeing Gumball before her still made her heart race.

He started to approach her. They were now in a beautiful grassy plain. Gumball was walking slowly towards her, all while seeming to grow his smile; something she felt she did too. As he reached her, Nicole leaned down and got onto his level. She could feel his hot breath now. It was quite pleasant, especially since it smelled of vanilla and mint.

Gumball raised his hand and caressed her cheek, causing her to close her eyes for a second to take in such bliss. As she reopened them, she saw he was leaning in towards her, and she decided to do that too. As they both leaned into each other, Gumball suddenly moved himself to the side of her and brought his lips real close to her left ear.

"Wake up..."

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Nicole quickly opened her eyes and reached her hand for her alarm clock and tapped the snooze button. She was awake now. Back to reality...

She groaned. She hated waking up so early...this dated far back for her, ever since childhood. It was always a nuance to her. Life always seemed to get in the way...



Nicole looked down at her body. There, nuzzled against her...was her little bundle of joy. He was still sleeping and drooling ever so slightly onto her shirt, leaving a small damp puddle. This made her smile.

'My Gummypuss...'

She nuzzled back softly before laying her head back. She felt a sense of calm. If only that stupid alarm hadn't gone off.

Something then flickered in her mind...but what was it?

Then it hit her.


Nicole quickly shot up in bed, startling Gumball awake in the process.

"N-Nicole? What's wrong?" He asked, worryingly.

As he gazed at her, he noticed she had a very concerned look on her face.


It was like a living nightmare now. She was awake. This wasn't dream land. She had to go back to work...alone, away from Gumball. The place she had her breakdown...her panic attack.

Nicole felt her heart beat in her ears again. Her blood felt like ice. She felt numb again...


Gumball shook her gently, hoping to snap her out of her seemingly panicked gaze. It was like she was having a stare off with the most terrifying monster she'd ever seen. This was scaring Gumball with every growing second.

Deciding to try another plan, Gumball slowly moved his body and positioned himself so he was right in her line of sight.

'Alone...without him...'

Nicole felt her bad thoughts loop in her mind, fueling her fear over and over. She can't have another panic attack...not after what she experienced...she couldn't...

Starting New: Returning HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora