Chapter 6.1: Horikita Suzune, Eating Lunch with Koenji Rokusuke for some Reason

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"Ignoring your own nonsense about me being insufferable," replied Koenji, unfettered by Horikita's constant verbal jabs. "you're only partway there, Horikita-girl."

"Stop adding -girl to my name."

"Wrong answer. You see, Horikita-girl," he said, placing extra emphasis on the -girl. "I'm the one who asked them to set this up."

The thought that Koenji was hitting on her crossed Horikita's mind for a millisecond before she completely expelled it from existence, unable to stomach the idea.

"Sorry to say, but you're not in my strike range." He said as if that was not a huge relief for her. "No, this is out of simple curiosity, Horikita-girl."

"You see those people flocking to them?" he said, pointing over the railing at the floor bellow. "Classmates and seniors, all intrigued by their excellence. And it's not even limited to students; our teacher is completely smitten by them. Before long, everyone in this school will know their name."

Horikita glanced down at the twins. Peers staring at their table, with seniors enamoured by their ability and mystery.

"And yet, despite all that attention, they couldn't care less about most of them." He suddenly added. "Those two have very specific standards for people. Moreso, about the people they decide to keep closer. "

"Beside you and me, the six others they assembled on the roof that day. Those are the people they decided, among the dissonant crowd of class D, were worth special attention."

There were the twins, her and Koenji. Other than these four, the six others were... Karuizawa, Matsushita, Wang Mei-Yu, Yukimura, Kushida and Hirata.

"You and I, by their evaluation, are above them. More interesting and worthwhile." He crossed his arms and legs, dropping his mirror and comb. "I am their best friend, and you are Kiyotaka's sidekick. Make no mistake—for them, this is a huge distinction."

"What, should I be grateful?"

"Perhaps. However, the main point is that I am simply curious. What is so special about you?"

He turned completely silent and just stared at her, his cold gaze evaluating without any trace of vanity.

Maybe it was the uncharacteristic silence, but to have Koenji staring without any of his usual bombast was... intimidating. To have someone with such unwavering confidence, arrogance and self-importance suddenly decide you were worth their full attention over themselves was simultaneously ego-boosting and terrifying, like being put on a pedestal over a mountain edge.

"What is so special about you, Horikita Suzune, that he decided to claim you? Are you truly so interesting, so capable? Or are you the first misevaluation they've made?"

She felt like back then. Like back when her brother had pinned her to the wall, or shortly after when the twins were looking at her. She felt the same as back then, when those amazing people where apparently seeing something in her, something they could tell but she could not. Some depiction of her inner self only privy to amazing people but not her.

But it was a little different. With her brother and the twins, it felt like they knew exactly where to look. With Koenji, it felt like he was searching for where to look. Perhaps that was why she was able to reply confidently without withering away like before.

"I've been waiting for you to give me some meaningful reason, but it seems like this meeting was nonsensical from the start." she said, getting up from her seat. "I'm leaving. Go speak your nonsense to someone actually willing to put up with you."

Koenji's smirk returned, alongside a short bout of laughter. "Decent response, Horikita-girl. Even if you're not capable, you're entertaining at the very least."

She reached for her bag and packed up her utensils and lunch.

"And because you've entertained me so much, let me tell you one thing."

She had no mind to listen and instead moved to leave.

"Do you know who their favourite type of people are? The people they find most interesting? The type of people they would possibly take as sidekicks and best friends?"

He kept talking, uncaring for how Horikita was walking away. He knew she was still in earshot.

"People they think could make them taste defeat."

She paused unwittingly, and in that very moment she could almost feel the broad smirk that fell across Koenji's face.

"Let's see whether you're capable of such a thing, Horikita-girl."

Trying to ignore the boisterous laughing ringing behind her, she walked away as fast as possible.

What a waste of lunchtime.


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