
"Rise and shine gorgeous girls!"

Pansy and I are awoken by a very excited Astoria.

"Oh come on ladies, it's Monday, it's a new day!"

Groaning, I toss my blanket over my head, trying my best to drown out Astoria's awful effort to wake us up.

"Wake up Malia! Aren't you wondering where your little Theo is!"

My eyes shoot open at the sound of Astoria bringing up Theo.

"I knew that would get you to wake up, now come on, you both missed breakfast already, I don't want you to miss class."

Astoria giggled, leaving Pansy and I to get ready for the rest of the week, to which I dreaded more than anything.

She was right though, I get to see Theo, then thinking back to what he said, I wonder how he will act today, are we going to be a couple now or what, that's a question that I hope to find out.


"Cute bow Malia, even though a bow in your hair should symbolize purity and innocence, you're far from it, from what I head this weekend."

Draco does a jumping motion as Goyle does the worst fake moans.

"Actually I think it's rather fitting, don't you think Theo?"

My attention, along with everyone else's shifts to Theo who is man spread on the couch.

He looks absolutely-

"Why would I care."

What the fuck

Scoffing at him, I swivel to continue on towards class. I just knew in the back of my head he would be a dick, especially after all of that. Everyone knew we got together so why is he acting as if I am just some slag.

My thoughts wondered deeper as I found myself in potions. Of course Theo stands tall and proud across the way from me, keeping a close eye on me.

The entire lesson I thought I might stab my eyes out from boredom. Yet I couldn't shake the gaze of the asshole placed directly across from me. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction he wanted, which was for me to look back and get flustered.

"Don't forget class, you must work with your partners outside of class for the project this week. Class dismissed."

Snape hissed, fleeing away before the halls filled with his least favorite thing, students.

"Hey Malia, want to walk to class together."

Mattheo says, frantically looking around, probably to see if Theo was lurking.

"Of course you can, we're still friends."

His worried expression, fades out and is replaced with a smile.

The two of us walk towards Herbology without interruption from any of the boys. It was nice, we didn't talk, just enjoyed a slightly awkward walk to class that seemed like an eternity, plus having to wait for the doors to open so we could get into class.

"So, listen about last night-"

Mattheo began, anxious to get out his sentence, luckily I stopped him.

"Don't worry about it, like I said we're still friends."

Flashing him a warm smile, I could tell the worry, once again, was no longer in his system. Well, not as much as it was before.

Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies to Lovers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now