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7 years later...  (They're 23 or 24. Idk u guys choose)

Sophie's POV

I slowly closed the door to my one year old son's room, leaving a crack of it open. I went downstairs, laying down on the sofa, closing my eyes glad I could get some time to myself in silence.

Then I heard the front door open and close. I heard footsteps enter the living room and I opened my eyes to find my husband, a smile on his face. I moved my feet for him to take a seat and rested them on his lap.

I sat up, yawning.

"Hey sweetheart, how was work?" He shrugged.

"Tiring and so boring. I missed you so much. And our little one of course," a smirk grew on his face. "How was your day?"

"Great, but I couldn't get Aster to fall asleep til a few minutes ago." He sighed, resting his head back.

"You know what we need?" Fitz spoke.


"To go out on a date," Fitz answers.


"Yeah, why not? It's Friday, we could ask someone to babysit and we could have a night all to ourselves." It has been quite a while since we've properly been alone. I grabbed his hand, nodding. He smiled, leaning over to plant a kiss on my lips. I smile against his lips, resting a hand on his cheek. We soon break apart and he kisses me again, more hungrily this time. Our position on the couch had quickly changed to him now on top of me.

His hands ran up and down my sides while my hands rested either on his shoulder, cheek, or chest.

We broke apart, out of breath, grins on our faces.

"I love you."

"I love you too," we shared one last kiss before he stood up. He went upstairs and I closed my eyes once again.

Then he came downstairs, our baby in his arms, giggling and playing with his shirt. I sighed.

"I can't get him to fall asleep!" Fitz chuckled, as he took a seat beside me.

"I had just went in his room to check on him but I found him wide awake." He kissed his cheek and then the top of his head. Aster reached a hand out towards me and wrapped his tiny little fingers around my pointer finger. He laid his head on Fitz's shoulder and closed his eyes. After a few minutes you could hear his soft little snores.

"He's finally asleep. I've been trying for an hour."

"I'll go put him in bed," Fitz said, standing up. His hand gently left my finger as Fitz took him to his room.

Fitz soon came downstairs, laying down beside me, resting his head on my lap. I started running a hand through his hair massaging it, soft moans filling the living room.

"So where are we going for our date?"

"It's a surprise. Do you know if your parents are free tonight? I already asked mine and they said they were completing some errands and wouldn't be home till late." I nodded.

"Yeah I'll ask. I'm glad we're going out tonight," he smiled, opening his eyes.

"Me too. It's been a while since we've gone out on a date."

"Yeah, I can't wait."

"Me too." We now just sat and lay there in comfortable silence.

(Time Skip)

Fitz and I walked up to my parents house, holding Asters tiny hands and rung the doorbell for it to be answered by my mom.

"I've missed you all so much!! Aster! You've become so much taller!" Aster waddled over to her and she picked him, twirling him around, pecking his cheeks with kisses.

"I miss you!" Edaline smile and brought him closer to her, carrying him on her hip.

"Aster be a good boy for Grammy and Grampy, okay?" Aster smiled, giving a thumbs up for me. I kissed his cheek before handing Edaline the bag I prepared for him.

"Thank you so much, mom and if he does anything wrong or if anything bad happens please alert us."

"Nothing bad will happen. You two go out and have a fun time, we'll be fine here." I gave her side hug and smiled thankfully.

"Thank you." Edaline then shooed us out of the house and Fitz and I made our way to the car.

"Can you finally tell me where we're going?"

"You'll see. You'll love it, I promise." It wasn't a far ride to the place.

"Stay here for a couple minutes, I have to set everything up." Fitz said, leaving the car. After a few minutes Fitz opened the car door for me, a grin on his face. He held out a hand and I took it.

I looked around the place, and it seemed familiar.

"Wait, isn't this the place we had found when we were 17?" Fitz nodded. I had completely forgotten about it. After Fitz and I had gotten married, we were always bombarded with work, and barely went. Once we went through the little passageway, I found a small picnic set up, with the most prettiest view.

"I forgot how beautiful this place was," I say. Fitz nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, it's been a while, which is exactly why I decided it."

"It's amazing Fitz. Thank you, I couldn't have imagined a better place than this. But what made you think of it?"

"Since it's been a while since we've been out together I didn't want it to be spent in some restaurant surrounded by a bunch of strangers and music. I wanted it to be only the both of us, where it was calm and silent, a place where we could hear only each other's voices. So I thought of this." I wrapped him in a hug, resting my head on his chest.

"It's perfect Fitz. I love it." He kissed the top of my head. We soon broke apart and made our way to the small picnic area he had set up.

We both took a seat and he started unpacking the foods inside the basket.

"I would've made a home cooked meal but this was kinda last minute so I had to improvise." I leaned over, bringing his lips to mine. It was a short kiss but sweet and passionate.

"It's the thought that matters." And the rest of the night had gone smoothly. After we ate we put everything aside and cuddled up together under the shining moon and stars, sharing kisses. We had talked about everything that was happening in our lives and then we then lay down together in a comfortable silence using each other for warmth.

I was so very lucky to have someone like Fitz Vacker. And it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for The Play.


ITS OVERRRRR!! NOOOOO!!! I can't believe it! I started this story in early July! I can't believe it's already over!! I hope you guys enjoyed that story, it's so sad knowing I finished it. But I feel accomplished! I still have to update on A Mystery, the next chapter is on its way and the first chapter of the new book I will be creating! The first 4 chapters will be updated more quickly because they're already prewritten! Thank you guys for the votes, comments and views and I'm sorry I didn't get to reach many chapters than I had hoped in the beginning of the book, but overall hope you enjoyed it and put down ideas in comments for Sophitz stories and I'll be sure to write them! Thanks for reading! This has been The Play! Byeeeee!

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