Sophie's POV

I was excited to enter the school, I really wanted to know if I was going to get the role I wanted. 

"So are you excited?" Linh asked, as she, Tam, and Dex walked up to us. 

"I guess so? I'm not sure but I'm kind of stressed out," I say. 

"There's nothing to wor-" Linh got caught off when a loud voice echoed in the halls. 

"Roles for The Play are out!" A paper was pinned on the wall and several people crowded around it. 

"Let's wait for the crowd to become smaller," I say. So many people were happy they got their parts and some were sad. Once there was a smaller crowd me and Linh walked over. 

Cinderella - Sophie Foster

Wait... my name was Sophie Foster. I got the role!!

Linh clapped her hands and pulled me in a hug. 

"Sophie, I'm so happy for you! You are totally going to crush the role," I smile at my happy friend. "And guess who the prince is." Linh said, wiggling her eyebrows. I recheck the paper and saw Fitz Vacker's name next to it. 

"Hey Sophie," I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around and found Fitz and Biana. 

"Congrats on the role! You're going to make an amazing Cinderella," Biana complimented. 

"Thanks! And congrats to you too for your parts as well!" 

"Thanks! Now guess what this means for you guys?" Biana asked. Me and Fitz looked confused and she rolled her eyes. "You guys are going to have kiss in the play!" Both of our faces had turned red. 

"Sorry about her, she's just like that," Fitz said awkwardly, Biana rolled her eyes. 

"It's no problem," after that, I received a nasty glare, by only the 'popular' girl at school, Stina Heks. She was my understudy. She was probably jealous I had gotten the part. 

"Are you okay?" Fitz asked, waving a hand in my face. I blinked and nodded. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." Then the bell rang. 

"I'll see you later," I waved to them and Linh and I made our way to the lockers. 

"You know Biana was right. You and Fitz are going to have to kiss in the play," Linh said, grabbing her books. 

"Yeah, I know. But I just got a weird glare from Stina Heks," I said. 

"Isn't she your understudy?" I nodded. "So?" 

"I don't know. Everyone in the school knows about Stina's crush on Fitz. What if she does something to me so she can get my role?" Linh starts laughing. 

"Sophie, you're just making this up. Stina wouldn't go there... or at least I think. Anyways, we'll talk about this during lunch, we have to get to class." We headed off in different directions to our first period. 

(Time skip) 

It was lunch. Which I was most happy for, but I honestly didn't have an appetite for anything right now. We all took an open table and they set their trays down. 

"Sophie aren't you hungry?" Dex asked. 

"Not really," I muttered under my breath. 

"Look who's coming," Linh said, a smile forming her lips. I looked around in confusion and soon Fitz was by our table. 

"Hey. Sophie I was wondering if you would like to join our table?" He offered. I looked at everyone. I didn't want to leave them. 

"Could my friends join too?"

"Yeah sure." I looked at Linh and she slightly nodded. 

"All right," Dex and Tam were the last to leave the table and then soon joined Fitz's small table. It was only him, his sister, and a blonde guy I didn't know. 

"In case you didn't know, this is Keefe," he pointed to the blonde "and my little sister Biana." 

"Tam, Dex, Linh, and I'm Sophie" I say pointing to everyone. I couldn't help but notice Tam staring at Biana. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Looks like Tam has a small crush on her. 

"So you're Sophie. Fitz talks about you so much, in every conversation we have you always pop up. Wanna see?" Keefe pulled his phone out of his pocket and Fitz turned beet red. He snatched his phone from him. 

"My phone!" Keefe whined. 

"Sorry about him, that's just how he acts," Fitz said, not giving him his phone back. Keefe's shoulders sagged and he pouted. 

And that's how it went for lunch. We all kind of became friends and when lunch was over we resumed our classes. 

(Tiny time skip again) 

At the end of the day I checked my email receiving one from the director of the play. It said rehearsals were starting next week on Monday after school. We have rehearsals everyday after school other than Friday's, and on Saturday's we'd be focusing more on props and costumes. 

"Looks like you'll be having a busy schedule," Linh said as she read over my shoulder. I nodded in agreement. 

"Yeah. I really hope I can keep up with my school work," Linh rested a hand on my shoulder. 

"If anybody can do it's you, Sophie," I smile. 

"Thanks. I'll see tomorrow," I then headed on a small journey to my house. I entered the house to be welcomed with the aroma of chocolate chip cookies. 

"Sophie are you home?" Edaline asked from the kitchen. 

"Yeah!" I answered, making my way to the kitchen. 

"Did you get the role?" She asked, while putting the cookies on the drying rack. 

"Yup!" Edaline put the cookies down and gave me a hug. 

"I'm so happy for you! So tell me who got the prince?" I looked down, a small blush on my cheeks. 

"Fitz," I answered quietly, but she somehow heard me. 

"Your crush? Oh that's great for you! Oh I already have a feeling you're going to do wonderful," I take cookie, immediately dropping it. 

"Thanks Mom." 

"So when does rehearsal start?" She asked, continuing to put the fresh cookies on the rack. 

"Next week on Monday," I answered. 

"Are you excited to be in it?" 

"Yeah, I am. This play seems really fun," Edaline smiled and I took a cookie before I went upstairs to my room. 


Hey guys! Welcome to chapter 3 of The Play! Thank you guys for almost 40 reads! And as promised a chapter with 1000 words. As I said, I hope to continue writing chapters over 1K words long! Thanks for reads and votes! Byeeee!

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