Sophie's POV

Fitz and I stood against each other, hand in hand, his hand on my waist, my hand on his shoulder. I couldn't help but blush at the position that we were in right now. 

"Just follow my lead." And I did. But not very well. I kept on stepping on his feet, apologizing every time. It was so embarrassing. But thankfully I had gotten the hang of it and eventually I wasn't even looking down. 

"You're doing great. You got the hang of it really fast. Do you maybe want to add music to it?" He asked, as we took a seat on his bed.

"Sure," he put a song on his phone, on full volume and the sound took over the room. We got in the same position and somehow I had gotten through the song with no screw ups. Although I did know that in ballroom dancing you have to dip the lady, so once the song had finished that was exactly what Fitz had did. 

My heart raced when Fitz pulled me up again, and I was against Fitz's chest, our faces only inches apart. I couldn't help but look at Fitz's lips and he seemed to look at mine. 

And soon our faces were getting closer until they were only centimeters apart and then a blonde teenager entered the room, making Fitz and I break apart from each other. It was none other than Fitz's best friend, Keefe. 

I saw Biana at the door way, with an innocent smile. 

"Keefe! What are you doing here?" Fitz asked, his face as red as mine. 

"I was bored so I came here, but I didn't know I'd be interrupting you two," a devilish smirk appeared on his face and we both looked at the ground. 

"Keefe, next time knock. And Biana were you spying on us?" 

"Moi? I would never," Biana said, placing an exaggerating hand on her chest.

 Were me and Fitz about kiss if we weren't interrupted? Was Biana right? Did Fitz really have  crush on me?

"Thanks for everything, but I should really be heading home now," after quick good bye's I bumped into Della when I was putting on my shoes. 

"Leaving so soon? I was hoping you would stay for dinner." 

"No thank you, I should be heading home now. Thanks Della," she smiled and gave me a hug. Once we quickly broke apart I made my way out the mansion but was interrupted once again. 

"Sophie!" I looked over my shoulder and found Fitz running down the stairs. "I just wanted to say, I'm sorry about earlier." 

"It's fine, and thank you for the dance lesson," he gave a small smile. 

"No problem. Are you going to be picked up? Because we could drive you home," I shook my head. 

"No it's my mom should be here any second now, but thank you," Fitz pulls me in a hug and after we broke apart, and quick good bye's I headed out the huge mansion. 

Fitz's POV

I headed upstairs to my room finding Keefe and Biana sitting on my bed. 

"So what's the deal with you and Foster?" He asked. 

"Nothing, but did you have to rush in my room like that? And Biana didn't you see him coming? You could've at least tried to stop him," I said. 

"I didn't see him coming!" She protested. 

"So you gonna tell her you like her?" Biana asked. I shook my head. 

"I don't see how he still needs to tell her. He just tried to kiss her, if she hasn't caught on by now, she must be dumb as brick." 

"Don't call her that," he raised his hands in defense. "And besides I wasn't trying to kiss her." Keefe and Biana started laughing. 

"Yeah right, I don't see another reason why your faces and bodies were so close to each other with your eyes closed. And the hand placement." 

"We were acting." Keefe and Biana rolled their eyes. 

"Why are you so dumb? You obviously both like each other.  You just need to grow the balls to tell her," Keefe said. I rolled my eyes. 

"Can we please talk about something else?" And thankfully they had moved on from our previous conversation which I was beyond happy for. But I couldn't help but think back to earlier. 

Sophie's POV

When I got home, I told my parents a quick summary of my day at school and headed upstairs to my room. I went to my phone pulling up Linh's contact.

Me: Guess what!

She soon replied back. 

Linh: What?

Me: Me and Fitz almost kissed.

Linh: FR? OMG. But why almost?

Me: Fitz's friend, Keefe interrupted. 

Linh: That's a shame... I always knew he had a crush on you. Now do you believe me?

Me: I guess so... but I mean it was in the heat of the moment

Linh: What do you mean?

Me: We were dancing

Linh: Ok you know what, we have to call rn

And soon I saw Linh calling me and I answered. 

"I am so confused right now. What is happening between you two?" She said from the other side of the call. 

"I had gone over to his house so we could practice our lines for the play. But then later Biana had gotten bored of only saying them and thought we should add some action to the scenes. She had proposed the dancing scene. Anyways I had tried to deny and said that I couldn't dance, but the Biana had said Fitz could teach me since he knew ballroom dancing. We had practiced for a while and once I got the hang of it-" 

"You almost kissed?" She interrupted. 

"Not yet. Once I had gotten the hang of it, he thought we should add some music to it. Anyways by the end of the music, you know in ballroom dancing the guy has to dip the girl at the end. And that's exactly what Fitz had done. Once he pulled me back up... that's when we had almost kissed." 

"That would've been so romantic! You guys would make the cutest couple!" I blushed. 

"But you guys have to perform the play 3 times." 


"You guys are going to kiss three times!" I playfully roll my eyes, with a small smile. 

"I'll see you tomorrow Linh, I have to complete some homework. Bye!" 

"Bye!" And then we hung up. I grabbed my bag, pulled out my homework and got started.


Hey guys! Welcome to chapter 6! I had to let Keefe intervene, because that's what he does. Thank you all for reads and votes! I'll see you in the next chapter! Byeeee!

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