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As Harry made his way back to Gryffindor Tower he noticed his ring flashing a green light. Taking it as a sign Salazar wanted to speak to him Harry headed into the next empty classroom and brought forth the man. "Quite an interesting day Harry," Salazar said leaning on his walking stick.

"I guess," Harry said a little confused about why Salzar would want to chat about the day's event after everything else that had happened since he got the ring. "Thank you by the way, for protecting Theo and me in the Great Hall this morning."

"Think nothing of it, Harry," Salazar said. "Now one thing does confuse me about today."

"And that is?" Harry asked.

"Since young Theo was acting to protect you I am surprised neither of you contested his getting detention," Salazar stated.

"And what good would that do?" Harry asked still puzzled.

"My friends and I placed it in the charter that no student should be punished for protecting another from harm, especially when no staff member comes to the endangered student's aid," Salazar said striking the classroom floor with his walking stick and creating a projection of the Hogwarts' Charter for Harry to look at.

"You can not touch it, Harry," Salzar said with a small chuckle as Harry went to grab it, "but it is accurate and up to date. I would suggest you read this paragraph very closely." Harry leaned in and read the area the Founder indicated with his staff. It not only stated exactly what Salazar said about it being an acceptable action that a student could use magic against another to protect others from harm, as long as the attacker was not maimed or killed. But it also listed several offenses and actions that could lead to a student getting expelled from Hogwarts that were still active in the present day. Harry could not help but smile seeing that the list included dosing another student in love potions or the use of Eros Blade on them, as well as any actions that could be read as Line Theft. As his former friends and Ginny had all done such things he could use the Hogwarts Charter to get them expelled from Hogwarts rather than just suspended. Granted they would still be able to go to one of the foreign Magical Schools Draco had told him about during the summer but he did not see how Ron or Ginny could afford it or Hermione's parents letting it happen.

The only downside of the passage that Salazar had indicated was it made no mention of any punishment towards the staff if they did similar actions to a student at the castle. Also due to the hour, Harry doubted he could stop Theo's detention which had been listed as starting right after supper. "If we protest the detention and win what happens since Theo is serving that detention now?" Harry asked.

"He will be compensated by either getting House Points, his next detention being served in advance, or depending on what his detention is could be paid a little from one of the school's vaults," Salazar explained.

"And how does one lodge a protest?" Harry asked.

"One can either talk to their Head of House or go directly to the School Governors. One could also do both," Salzar said with a knowing smile.

"The only Governor I know of is Lord Malfoy but after last year he was forced to resign," Harry said more to himself than to Salazar. The Slytherin House Founder brought his cane up and tapped the Hogwarts Charter letting it unroll a little. Harry smacked a face as he read the names suddenly recalling both Seamus and Ernie informing him that they had parents that were Hogwarts Governors.

"You are right just like the suggestion that I send my change of classes to multiple sources I think a multi-vector attack would work here as well," Harry said.

"Good plan my boy," Godric said appearing out of nowhere.

"Leave us," Harry said rubbing his ring sending the man away to continue chatting with Salazar. Inside the Family Ring space, Godric fumed a little while several others chuckled at him having found similar things had happened to them when they tried to offer advice to Harry. While he was not letting the lines die out it was perfectly clear which one Harry favored for he never banished Salazar while he had even sent representatives of the Potter line, apart from his own father, away.

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