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"Speaking of homes where are you staying at the moment for I do not see Tuna Fish or that rotten apple of a husband of hers letting you come to Gringotts and finding all this out," Narcissa asked tapping the results of Harry's test.

"I have been staying at the Leaky Cauldron after I accidentally inflated my Uncle's sister, Marge," Harry said.

"By yourself?" Draco asked with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Yes, after the Minister let me go for my use of underage magic," Harry said.

"That man always has been a fool he left you with no protection or minder?" Narcissa asked rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"Well he did say that Tom was going to be keeping an eye on me," Harry said.

"Oh yes, for the man has so much free time running a bar/inn that he can keep track of you as you got through the alley. Yes, he is worried about you being found by Sirius but there are actual Death Eaters that still walk free. Not to dismiss your skills Harry, but you are still a kid, and it would not take much for them to hit you with a spell to force you to follow them down a deserted side street and harm you. I know you may not fully trust me or members of my family but I would like you to come to stay with us for a couple of weeks before you head back to Hogwarts," Narcissa said patting his arm.

"But won't I get in trouble the Minister himself told me to stay here?" Harry asked.

"You will not if anyone tries to I will point out that I am your Godmother and we had recently found out about it. If they still have problems with that we can have them talk to the Goblins about it," Narcissa said as Bonecrusher, who was working in the corner to not interfere with their conversation, gave a nod of confirmation as he cracked his knuckles.

"If you are worried about staying with us we have plenty of room so you don't have to even see us," Draco said misreading Harry's silence.

"What do you want in return?" Harry asked knowing that most people would want something for taking him in.

"Nothing," Narcissa said sounding horrified that he had felt the need to ask. "We have House Elves to take care of most things all you need to do is be a kid for once in your life."

"But won't Lord Malfoy be angry at me for freeing Dobby?" Harry asked since she brought up House Elves.

"Who?" Both Malfoys asked giving him confused looks.

"Dobby the Malfoy family Elf who warned me about Riddle's Diary as well as trying to keep me away from Hogwarts," Harry said wondering if they were really these so-called Death Eaters and were trying to trick him to come to their home.

"Bartholomew," Narcissa said leading to a House Elf pop into the room. Harry looking at the Elf saw the way he was dressed was vastly different from Dobby for rather than a toga this Elf was dressed in a small smartly dressed suit with what he assumed was the Malfoy family crest on his right breast pocket.

"You called for me Madam?" the Elf asked letting Harry notice another change as Bartholomew spoke in a slightly posh voice.

"Yes Bartholomew is there an Elf named Dobby as part of your crew?" she asked.

"Not to my knowledge," the Elf said snapping his fingers and summoning a roll of parchment, and began to look through it. "No Madam I have no record of a Dobby. Is this a new Elf you would like to add to the crew?"

"No thank you just checking on something," Narcissa said.

"But he accompanied Lord Malfoy to meet with the Headmaster at the end of the last term I freed him when I handed him Riddle's Diary with my sock in it," Harry said mystified.

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