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As he had no class for the rest of the day Harry decided to go test to see if he could actually get into the Slytherin Common Room without knowing the password, or if his ring had just glowed to let him know where it was located. Thinking that most students would have a class now, such as Draco who was taking Care of Magical Creatures using the book Harry had gotten for his birthday, Harry headed down to the dungeons. Reaching the wall in which the Slytherin Dorms used as an entrance his ring began to glow again. Working from the memory of last year Harry put his hand on the wall. As he laid his hand flat on the stone the Slytherin flashed green and Harry once more found himself before Salazar.

"Testing out the family ring already?" Salazar asked with a slight smile.

"Yes for you told me earlier that I could access Slytherin parts of the school without having to use passwords, so I was checking to see if the ring's glow is just pointing out such spots or if it is also the key to them," Harry said simply.

"Very well reasoned Harry, also you do not need to worry about the glow, as I sense you have doubts about in your mind, only you and anyone you chose to can see the glow at all," Salazar explained. "Now are you sure you want to go into the dorms there will be no going back from this?"

"I am sure after all from the way Ronald and Dumbles speak they tend to easily make enemies of your Noble House so where better to get some allies," Harry said as he once more spotted a flash of the Golden Gryffindor Lordship ring before it vanished. Rather than answering Salazar used one hand to tap his walking stick on the floor while he snapped the fingers of the other making the fake wall open up to let Harry inside.

Harry had barely passed the threshold when he saw that unlike what he had thought would be an empty room held several older years as well as Blaise and Theo. Harry bit his lip knowing not to show any weakness as he walked deeper into the room as bold as brass. "Potter?" Marcus Flint asked crossing his arms over his chest right below both his Slytherin Quidditch Captain and Prefects Badges. "Now how in Morgana's sagging sports bra did you manage to get into this room without setting off any alarms?"

"Alarms?" Harry asked confused recalling no alarms going off last time when he and Ron had snuck in under the Polyjuice Potion.

"Yes alarms, Potter, you know the kind that goes off if a student enters a dormitory that is not theirs. Now stop playing dumb and answer the question," Marcus ordered cracking his knuckles menacingly.

"First off I am not playing dumb I never knew about any sort of alarm like that. And secondly as to how I got in," Harry said with a smile as he lifts his left hand and shows off the Slytherin Lordship ring.

"Holy Milking Sith," Theo ejaculates as the whole Slytherin House went silent at the sight of their Founder's ring on the Gyrffindor's Golden boy.

"Rightly put," Marcus said running a hand over his forehead. "So you really are Slytherin's Heir?"

"Only by conquest and I only found it out this last summer," Harry said slowly lowering his ring. "Would that prevent the alarms from going off?"

"It would since as the Heir or Lord of Slytherin this would be considered part of your domain in the school," Marcus said seeming to be in a state of shock that prevented him from even thinking about lying.

"Um, would the alarm go off if I was not wearing the ring or say under the influence of Polyjuice?" Harry asked.

"That was oddly specific why do you ask?" Theo said who seemed to be the only one beside Marcus who seemed to be able to process Harry's new position.

"Well last year when everyone thought I was Slytherin's Heir I and a former friend snuck into here under a Polyjuice Potion.

"Alright first of all not everyone thought you were the Heir, no one here ever believed it, which is why they all seemed to have trouble with it now," Theo said the last part in a whisper as he indicated everyone else in the room. "As for being under a Polyjuice Potion if you had not been the Heir, yeah the alarms would have gone off as soon as you entered, but as it were you were not only able to pass but bring Weasley in as well."

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