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Still finding it hard to believe that Severus had not come to report that Harry had spent the night in the Slytherin Dorms she decided to talk to him about it before finishing the forms for Harry's re-sort. Thinking it would be just a quick meeting she left the start of the form on her desk and made her way to the dungeons to talk to the Potions Master before he went to bed. Heading right to the man's room she knocked to be let in. "Ah Minerva this is a surprise what can I do for you?" he asked as he let her in.

"I wish to discuss with you some events that happened last night Severus," she said entering the room and taking the offered armchair before the fire.

"And what events are you referring to?" Snape asked from his personal kitchen holding up a cup silently asking her if she wanted a cup of tea.

"No thank you. And the event I am talking about is one of my students sleeping in your dorms," she stated as he poured himself a cup with his back to her.

"That is quite impossible, as you know Minerva," he said not wanting to give voice to the strange apparition he had seen last night of Potter of all people sleeping in the same room as Draco and the others.

"Well it seems this student would not set off the alarm due to him being the Heir to the Slytherin line so he could enter without setting off the alarms," Minerva said leaning forward.

"Potter can not be related to Slytherin neither Lily nor his father held those lines," Severus said.

"Shocking that you knew it was Harry since I had not told you which student had spent the night in your dorms," Minerva said arching an eyebrow and a smile playing at the edges of her mouth.

"Alright fine I did see Potter but I thought it had been just due to stress with the new school year, Lupin and everything," Severus said setting his cup of tea down on the small side table between their two seats. "But in my defense besides the stress of the situation, it could have been another one of my students coming to spend the night with the boys."

"Did you not count the number of students in the room Severus?" she asked with a smile

"Yes but that does not mean anything Messor Crabbe or Heir Goyle could have decided to spend the night with them rather than Potter," he said and was shocked to see her confused face.

"Why would those two have a different room from the rest of their year?" she asked making the Dour Potion Master give her a look as if she had just grown a second head.

"I would never expect you to joke like that Minerva," he said after he had taken a moment to compose himself with a sip of tea.

"I was not joking Severus why do Messor Crabbe and Heir Goyle have separate rooms from the other males in their year. Albus forbad the use of Heir and Lord rooms just three years ago?" she asked giving him her normally stern look.

"Oh Merlin, you are not joking are you," Severus said running a hand over his face. "It is not an Heir/Lordship room that the pair are in but due to their size and availed space in the rooms I had Hogwarts create separate rooms for the group, just like I have done multiple times as Head of Slytherin for various reasons."

"That is remarkable," she said.

"What are you on about?" he asked her. "All Heads of House can do it not just me. I know Filius has had the castle create multiple rooms for his students during their Fifth and Seventh-Years so they could easier study for the test, and Pomona has done it when some of her students just did not get along with each other."

"I am going to have to look into that thank you for your time, Severus," she said with a nod as she left the armchair to leave the room.

"If you like, since you do not seem to be fully aware of everything a Head of House can do, something I blame both Albus and Professor Brinkmann for, how about I call the others over so we can explain it all to you," he asked.

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