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As Hermione followed Professor McGonagall back to Gryffindor Tower she tried to think of which classes she should drop. To have a normal class schedule she knew she would have to drop at least three classes, but the only one she thought she was alright to drop was Divination for the class and the teacher was a joke. As she and her preferred Head of House returned to the Common Room she found the rest of the students of age were discussing the upcoming Hogsmead visit. "You should check out the Corner Store, Harry," one of Ron's older brothers said though Hermione was not sure which one it was.

"Yeah it should have something that would help you pay him back from the match," the other twin said. This just confused Hermione who thanks to her workload and trying to make sure she kept her place as the top student she had forgotten to attend the Quidditch Match.

"What happened at the match?" Hermione asked stepping forward but Harry and the twins just ignored her. "What happened during the Quidditch match?" she asked again but they continued to ignore her. Not liking that they were not answering her question she kept asking it as everyone began to pull out their books and homework for the study session.

After about five minutes Katie Bell finally got sick of her asking as everyone tried to do their work she finally answered. "During the match due to the deluge of rain Harry had been unable to see the Snitch, and at one point when Oliver called a time out one of his friends came over and placed a charm on his flying goggles to repel the raid and let Harry catch the Snitch winning us the game.* Also, Harry, I agree with Fred the Corner Store would not only have something for your friends but you could see if they had any gear to prevent the issue with the rain again." Hermione wanted to ask the name of the friend who had helped Harry a little miffed knowing he should be relying on her for stuff like that if only the idiot was not avoiding her and Ron for some reason. Due to this new distance between Ron, her, and the idiot Professor Dumbledore was threatening to stop paying them. She was going to have to find out who this friend who helped Harry was.

This means that she now had the classes that she would be dropping so she could have the right grades to go to Hogsmead. As she was had the lowest grades in Divinations, Arithmancy, and Muggle Studies. She had thought Muggle Studies would have been a cakewalk as a Muggle but it was actually rather harder than most of her classes with weekly essays with subjects of various Muggle inventions, scientific theories, and famous people from all over the world. It made the Advance Placement classes she had when she went to Muggle school look like she was in the special needs class. Hermione having made her decision of which classes to drop made sure to inform Professor McGonagall before she left for the night so that her grades for the three classes would not be counted against her when she went to Hogsmead.

On the morning of the first Hogsmead visit, Hermione waited in line with the rest of the students to be cleared to head to the village. She had heard from upper years the check usually took at least ten minutes but it had taken fifteen so far as Filtch had to check not only to see if a student had permission to go to the village but also that their grades were high enough. Hermione could only roll her eyes as some students seemed to have missed the message that their grades had to be in the High A's as they tried to argue with the Caretaker that they had permission to go to the village only for the nasty Squib to order them back to their Common Rooms. Every time a student was sent away Hermione could not help but smirk at how dumb they all were. When she finally reached the front of the line Hermione strutted forwards secure in the knowledge that she had the necessary grades to go to the village. Filch took one look at her and then at his sheet before he looked up and said, "You don't have high enough grades to go to the village go back to your Common Room and work on your homework."

"That can't be right I have EE's in all my classes," Hermione protested.

"According to my forms you have a D in Divinations, and low A's in Arithmancy and Muggle Studies," Filch informed her.

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