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As the doors to the hall banged open unexpectedly many in the hall jumped a little and if they were bringing food to their mouths ended up spilling it a little on themselves. Almost as one everyone turned to the doors to see who had arrived seeing two men with long shaggy black hair. The one who appeared to have opened the door called out in a carrying voice, "We are the brothers Black, and we have returned." While very few other than the staff recognized the speaker everyone in the hall recognized the other male. It seems that some students had neither read the recent article in the Prophet nor have heard the most recent news as they screamed in fear seeing Sirius Black standing there. These students would almost say he was standing there as bold as brass but seeing all the people looking at him Sirius made himself as small as possible as he huddled behind the other male.

"Calm down everyone," Albus called from the top table unable to stop a look of fury from flashing across his face seeing Sirius in the door frame somewhat cowering behind Regulus. The fact that Sirius had gotten off on all charges, meaning he could step into the role of Harry's Godfather if a Mind-Healer approved of it, but what was worse was seeing Regulus Black alive which Albus had not known about at all. That fact that Albus had not known about it pissed him off more than his current condition of randomly being unable to stop himself from sharing his secrets.

Albus's fleeting look of anger did not escape Regulus's notice as he began to wonder if he had made a slight miscalculation in making their presence known in front of everyone. Regulus while not normally as flashy as his older brother had always been flexible when it came to his plans. Not trusting the glint that had come to Albus' face after the look of anger passed Regulus decided he would have to disappoint Sirius in his desire to meet Harry again at least for the moment. "Remus, get over here," Regulus ordered as he reached down and straightened his robes. "Due to the circumstances for the moment I am assuming the role of temporary Head of the Ancient and Nobel House of Black. And acting under its authority to protect my family I, Regulus Black, am removing my brother's family from the school," Regulus said.

"Now just a moment," Albus started to protest.

"No Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Regulus said glaring at the man who dared to mess with his family. "With the power given to me as temporary head of the Black Family thanks to the Sacred Twenty-Eight, I am removing my brother, his husband, and child from here until I deem them fit enough to return. KREACHER!!!," Regulus called out as his Personal House Elf appeared and with a snap of his fingers Regulus, Sirius, and to everyone's shock Neville vanished from the hall.

As soon as Kreacher also vanished from the Hall everyone broke into conversations about the whirlwind that Regulus Black and his actions. "Why did he take Longbottom, though?" was a question many students asked. "He can't be Sirius's son? Can he? Wait Professor Lupin is gone as well does that mean Longbottom is Sirius and Professor Lupin's kid?"

Some Muggleborns as well as some ignorant Half-Blood and Purebloods, such as Ron Weasley ended up asking, "I wonder which of them was the woman?" This caused the people sitting around them to give them all disgusted and disappointed looks.

"Are you an idiot? One of the most likely took a Bearer Potion to let their body able to give birth, or one of them could be a natural Bearer," the students explained. Most of the students who had asked about the Sirius and Professor Lupin's love light took the message to heart, but some such as Hermione and Ron were not convinced. Hermione saw that any relationship between two people of the same sex was wrong while Ron was trying to figure out who would be the "woman" in the relationship between the D.A.D.A. Professor and the former prisoner. He finally decided that since Sirius had gone to prison while Lupin was just a teacher Lupin had to be the woman. Hermione was also angry at Professor Dumbledore for him making her have to befriend the brat that was the offspring of such a union of sin. If she was going to keep acting like the abomination's friend she was going to have to not only ask for a raise but also make sure that when she got home either during the Yule or end of the school year she was going to have to go to church and get a full spiritual and body cleansing from her family's priest.

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