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Neville, no Romulus he reminded himself, watched in shock seeing Harry letting the taller Slytherin pull him onto the dance floor. Sure Harry had told him that he was beginning to see Theo as more than a friend it was something else to see them together. Let alone to see the Weasley twins joining other Slytherins onto the dance floor.

Harry let Theo pull him onto the dance floor, and since he had never danced before let Theo show him where to place his hands. Theo had Harry place his right hand on Theo's right shoulder while using his left hand to hold the taller boy's right hand. Rather than having the same hand placement as him, Theo placed his other hand in the middle of Harry's back causing Harry to blush slightly. "Don't focus on the music just follow my lead," Theo directed as he showed Harry the non-verbal signs he would use during their dance and what they meant. Harry knew that many people would be put off by Theo explaining every little detail but Harry found it rather endearing. He did not pay much attention to the others on the dance floor except for noticing that everyone seemed to be dancing in whatever way they wanted that did not always match up with the music. Theo was leading Harry in a very simple two-step with an occasional spin now again leading the whole time, not that Harry minded. During one spine Harry laid eyes on Fred leading Draco in a wild tango even going so far as having his wand in his mouth in place of a rose. George, on the other hand, was being led by Blaise as the par danced the Cha-Cha. Percy and Penelope were dancing an elegant waltz in the small area they had gotten themselves. Romulus was still standing there awkwardly but was on the receiving end of various appreciative glances from several Slytherin students in attendance.

"Do you want to try taking the lead, Harry?" Theo asked.

"I guess I can give it a try," Harry said as under Theo's direction shifted his grip to match the hold Theo had been using. While Harry had found he usually master most spells and had easily mastered flying he found he just could not master all that was needed to lead someone during a dance. Unlike when Theo had been directing them Harry ended up stepping on Theo's feet rather frequently, and while Theo did not say anything Harry saw him wince each time it happened. "Sorry I guess I need more practice," Harry said in apology.

"Don't worry about it you did well for a first attempt," Theo said.

"Tell that to your feet," Harry teased.

"Nothing a simple spell or potion can't solve," Theo said being utterly serious.

"Still it will be better if you return to leading," Harry said.

"Can do, after a short break," Theo said as the pair left the dance floor so they could get some drinks.

"Nice costume Greg," Harry said seeing Goyle dressed as a Muggle American Football player.

"Thanks... um, Doctor Watson correct?" Gregory Goyle asked.

"Elementary my dear Goyle," Theo said.

"You can't stop showing your Sherlock even while you are Thrawn can you," Harry teased as he playfully elbowed Theo's side.

"Well not may recognize my Thrawn compared to my Sherlock," Theo said, "Harry is right Gregory that looks like authentic Miami Dolphins uniform. Chosen for your love of the animal mascot?"

"Indeed," Goyle said with a slight blush looking to Harry.

"You like dolphins, Greg?" Harry asked.

"You got a problem with that?" Goyle shot back.

"No just curious," Harry said.

"Yes I like them, an aquatic mammal who some think have the same level of intelligence as a human. Plus they are really cute," Goyle said with a large smile on his face.

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