Final Chapter: I'm Now Within the Heart

Start from the beginning

The thought of the diners made me a bit homesick. I wonder what they are doing right now and how they coped with my false death.

One day, while I was guarding, I spotted the Queen swimming by herself without the aid of her henchmen's. Which is rather odd because you always find her with someone else, but this time she was alone.

So, like any curious living being, I followed her.

It was a bit difficult to swim fast, especially trying to catch up to her.

I followed her yet again in another cave.

She was in the centre, where there's a huge insignia of letters.

Apparently I wasn't being stealthy enough, because as soon as I got there, she immediately asked me if I wanted to join.

I was a bit shocked, but I didn't turn down the offer.

I stepped inside the insignia, and quickly, Nerissa said the magic words in a language I couldn't understand.

Suddenly, a light blue current suddenly appeared from the insignia, creating a curvy, strong bridge that whoever enters will be blasted following the current's direction.

After she finished saying the spell, We both were sent in a stream of strong water jets, going from left to write downwards, and especially upwards, were we both sent above the sea.

While we were being pushed by the water steam, I noticed there were fish that I'd never seen before—fish that were from different seas. Could it be? Are we really here?

As we both came out of the sea, I looked outside, where I could finally see the clear blue skies, the fluffy white clouds, and the shining rays emitted from the sun. It's been awhile since I was embraced by the open air.

I was looking at the horizon. I don't know where I was, but it surely is beautiful; it felt like I was in paradise.

Island populated with nature, a clear, colourful double rainbow, and the cold windy breeze from the north, east, south, and west.

This place seems to be a rather strange world.

"Are you enjoying the world?" Nerissa said.

"Yes, it's really beautiful."

"Well, indeed, this is the Eternal Blue."

"What did you say?"

We are at the Eternal Blue, the place where all the seven seas meet.
How is that possible? I managed to finally find the Eternal Blue.

"What's wrong Are you alright?" The Queen asked, worried.

"It's ok, I'm just emotional, because I finally found the Eternal Blue. Since I was a kid, I always wanted to find this place. For all my life, I always thought that this place truly existed, and now I can confirm that the blue sea is truly real".

The Queen smiled with satisfaction upon hearing my statement.

"I'm glad you liked it."

We were both watching the world.

Until I remember something that she said at the announcement

I asked the Queen why she would lie about my origins—that I was born human and turned into a sea person.

The Queen explained without looking at me; she glanced at the horizon while talking.

She explains that the sea people are still sensitive about the topic of humans because, for many years, they were untreated, neglected, and faced discrimination. For many and many years, the sea people grew to hate humans from the bottom of their hearts, including her.

Within the heart of the OceanWhere stories live. Discover now