Final Chapter: I'm Now Within the Heart

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I was dead, then afterwards I was revived from the heart of the ocean. I don't even know who or what he was.

It was too much for me to take in.

I was both shocked and surprised.

It's impossible; I've been unconscious for an entire year.

One day I was arguing with my father; now I've become a guardian.

I was placed in a room, a really colourful one.

The woman with purple hair, whose name is Nerissa, is the queen of the seas and also Laine's mother.

They told me to wait in a room; her request seems oddly similar.

Until they suddenly call me in.

I was greeted by two sharks; one is called Jaw, and the other is called Mako. They are brothers and sisters.

They guided me to an unknown location. It looked like an arena.

I was placed in the middle, where everybody was able to see me, the townspeople, or better, the mermaid of the underwater kingdom. They all came here to witness the announcement that the queen was about to give.

As everybody, including myself, was waiting, I spotted in the middle of the audience Laine, who waved at me.

Moments passed as the queen finally made an appearance.

Her presence and grace have already caught the attention of everybody. What I see is a great and powerful woman who is capable of reigning the sea with might.

When she came, she made a speech about the history of their world.

A world that used to be above, a world where the mermaid and the merman's were born and neglected by society.

Where their lives have turned from history into living legends

A story I never heard before, a story worth telling.

After finishing her speech, her attention went straight to me.

She started to explain my situation.

Instead of telling them the truth, she lied about my background, telling them I was a merman born and raised in the land whose origins tie with the sea.

I don't understand why she would lie about my identity.

From the looks of the townspeople, they are people who accepted me with open arms, while others are still sceptical and would rather observe my every move to avoid any weird outcomes.

Then finally, the queen told the townspeople that, from this day forward, I'm going to be one of the guardians of the heart of the sea.

Her words soon created a mess among the sea people. A word that she will never take back.

After the announcement ended,

Everybody else left, except for Laine, who straight swam towards me, giving me a heartfelt hug, content to know that I would be living with them.

I was happy to hear her words, but I was still wondering why the Queen lied about my life.

It's only been days since I was announced. I was told that I was going to guard the heart of the sea. But in reality, I wasn't guarding anything.

I was outside a tall cylinder structure. I took a glimpse on the inside to check what the heart actually looked like. But when I checked, there was no heart or anything valuable to be stolen.

I was confused.

During my routine, Laine would often visit me to have conversations, and she usually brought food for me. I got to say the food under the sea is quite a delicacy. If I were to bring it back to the diners, many people would definitely want seconds.

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