Chapter 24 - Argument :)

Start from the beginning

They stay silent for abit

Eventually though they speak "he's someone from our past" they answer not giving us much "was he your guardian after me?" Jacob asks

They nod

OH shit

They were abused, I think

"what did you mean b-by touched y-you" elliot stutters out "what do you think!" izzy snaps slightly

"no, HE BETTER HAD NOT!" Vincent screams

"H-HE SA'ED YOU!?" Alexander screams his overprotective side showing

"HE FUCKING WHAT!" i say as it registered in my mind what she's saying I get up punching a hole in the wall

"please tell me, it's not true" elliot whimpers

"NO, ALL OF YOU?" Ace screams as he gets up out his chair

"yeah." skye replies and he shakes his head in frustration and then Lorenzo storms out the room

"are we done?" summer ask in a hurry

"no we are not!" luca says as he goes over too her and she flinches away at the sudden rush

"i'm going up" izzy says I gte up too stop her aswell

"don't killian" she warns me

"yous re staying close too me 24/7 from now on, I am not letting you get taken away from me" i say in panic at the thought of her leaving

"you can not do that to me, I want too keep the slight freedom I do have!" she says in a matter of fact tone

"exactly you can't all go all super protective on us now!" summer says angry

"well That's exactly what were doing" Vincent butt's in

"not you lot aswell!!" izzy yells

"we do it for your safety" ace exclaims at her reaction too this "fuck my safety, we can protect ourselves" summer shouts

Skye's still huddled up in the corner

"they don't like too much controlling just let me and them be how we are as you could see from before we know how too fight " skye then speaks up

Ace tightens his grip in annoyance

"NO! you all stay within our site from now on until they are dead we do this for you" Jacob shouts at them

The girls scoff

"FUCK OFF!!!" izzy screams as she trys too barge past me i grab her picking her up swinging her round and holding her bridal style

Luca does the same she freezes

"HEY, GET THE FUCK OFF!" summer screams "our eyes site is currently here as we're having an emergency meeting so your staying here" i say as I sit down with izzy moving in my arms

"i hate you so fucking much and that goes for all of you!" she says as she trys too move out my arms

"of course you do" Vincent says in a mood now but happier as they sat down and aren't shouting anymore

"someone go find lorenzo, before this meeting starts" ace say with a roll of his eyes

Izzy still moving around in my arms

Isabella's pov:

Will this dude just let me go!


I'm just sitting on his lap annoyed and flustered, I have to be on his lap while his men and him all have a meeting


"can i get a seat?" i ask killian as All their men enter

"you've got one so just stay still and relax" he whispered back laying his head in my neck

I groan and try too move away he keeps my head in place putting a hand on the back of my head

I roll my eyes as all his men eye me up and down thinking I'm just some gold digger, whore

Well let me tell you I am not

"stop looking at our sisters!" Lorenzo growls out, GR GR

They all looked shocked but looking at his face they all look at the floor

"better, much better" ace mumbles and killian hums in agreement

His breath hitting my neck

I shiver

"right men, we have lost about 20 men in the past 24 hours, so it's clear we nerd better protection and strong men so training will be needed for everyone, 6 days a week for 2 hours a day" Vincent demanded

They all say 'yes sir' or 'yes don'

"guards will be with us every single moment of the day unless told otherwise, especially keeping an eye on isabella, summer and skye" ace adds to his fathers words

"sir" one called out in question

I'm falling asleep here

"yes mateo" luca says "who are isabella, summer and skye?" the guard mateo asks

Didn't you ever hear curiosity killed the cat

"isabella and summer are our long lost sisters, we will announce that too all later, skye is their Friend" elliot explained for us

Missing a few details there, aren't ya elliot?

"also none of you come near isabella, summer or skye as they have their someones already" killian says being careful with his words

They all catch on shouting another 'yes sir'

I see a man eyeing me up and down he was cute but i could do better I keep a smirk on my face with eye contact and then I wink at him

I feel killian's hold on me tighten and i roll my eyes as he whispers too me saying "i'm warning you, I'll fuck you infront of him if you carry on" he states while sitting in such a hot way that I felt a little wet down there

For fuck sake man

He is my kidnapper

I can not be turned on right now

I move uncomfortably

He chuckles at this

"oh and also,we're going back too Italy" Alexander says and i look for the humour in his voice finding none

"Your joking, right!?" i shout the last word

"no?" Alexander then questions

"I AM NOT LEAVING THIS PLACE!" i scream "i think you fucking forget we grew up here, you can't take that from us too now!!" summer yells not quite as loud as me

"fucking hell, I am not moving too Italy" skye also says agreeing with the us

"we're going and that's final" Vincent says with frustration as he gets out of his seat and walks towards the girls

I knee what was about too happen as he walked too the door hurrying all guards out

He better not take my too that bedroom



Thoughts on this chapter?

Love you lots guyss ❤️❤️

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