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"you're spacing out" sugawara said, once again nudging daichi on the side to get his attention. the other stopped dead in his tracks, looking around to get a hold of his surroundings and understand where he was - it's been a while since he paid attention to where he was walking, his mind was purely powered by sugawara's lovely monologue of why farmer's markets were so important, and daichi agreed.

in his mind, he was already drawing up a plan, a proposal to the catering part of his company on how they could change their source of ingredients. i mean, it only makes sense, and it would give him a boost of reputation too, for supporting local people.

"yeah, sorry, you were saying something about vegetables?" daichi turned his head to sugawara, feeling a small spark somewhere deep in him as his eyes grazed on the sight of such an ethereal man, kissed by sunlight and smiling with love of a thousand angels. not that he had this exact thought though, or he would never agree that he did.

"yes, i was asking whether you have a favorite seasonal vegetable. i could make something more special today, it's not every day we get to have you dining with us" sugawara let out a small chuckle, leaning his head towards the side and waiting for daichi to answer. the other stared at him for a moment before mentally slapping himself.

"uh, not that i have a preference...pumpkin is pretty good, i think, at least that's what the company offers during this time of year at least." he finally answered.

sugawara thought for a moment, before stopping and looking around, his eyes scanning the many stalls around them, looking for a color orange, though, that wasn't an easy task as hinata kept bouncing around, being absolutely mesmerized by the abundance of produce.

daichi, even if he didn't say it out loud, was quite surprised by how well the boys had adapted to people, considering all that they had been through, and to see them interacting with people and objects without fear was quite a joyful sight to see - though, one thing still kept him uneasy - the lack of information on them.

the interrogations that happened and stained the walls of their torture room revealed nothing but the information they already knew, the dna profiles of the boys did not match with anyone, and any past records failed to show anything that could be related to the boys - coming to the point of kenma sleeping in the office, praying for anything to happen.

they were... a mystery. four little human beings brought secretly into this world with no history to them... but looking at them now, daichi thought that maybe all is okay - they're smiling, they're happy, and who knows - maybe eventually they could be trained to become incredible assets to the company.

the sudden feeling of sugawara's hand on his wrist brought daichi to reality again, as the other gently dragged him along to the stalls. "maybe you should have slept more? you look a bit out of it" sugawara commented, flashing him a quick smile.

"it's not about that. i rested enough, just have a lot to think about, i guess" daichi let out a sigh but followed sugawara nonetheless.

"i mean, you are a busy businessman, it only makes sense" sugawara finally let go of his wrist.

"busy or not, i feel like i should spend more time at home, now that it actually feels like a proper home..."

"did you not have a maid or something before?"

"no, i'm... a pretty reserved person, and i'm not the biggest fan of people being in my personal space"

"oh... sorry." sugawara looked away nervously, feeling as if he was stepping over an invisible boundary.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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