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"its a treat to have you joining the mission" asahi said as he typed away on his laptop, glancing at daichi from time to time, the other seemed focus, but still tired. "didn't sleep well last night?"

"mah, i slept like a brick, but i'm still tired... " daichi sighed before looking around at the people in the vehicle, a minibus that was gutted and secured to carry many people. "someone there has to have intel on the worm, its no coincidence that part of our funds was stolen and only a week later someone tried to end me"

"at times like this it would be nice to have the offensive unit around, right?" kuroo spoke, he was sitting opposite of daichi. the minibus was full of people that were loyal to daichi, working for him in one area or the other. 

"i can handle myself, but thank you" daichi said and watched as kuroo scoffed. "don't let your pride get in the way, kuroo. i can easily replace you as the head of the unit"

"you wouldn't dare" kuroo faked a gasp.

"i would. i know all that you do and what you say. kenma constantly complains about you" daichi let out a chuckle as the others in the minibus looked at kuroo, waiting for his response.

"kenma complains about me even to me. he is still my precious baby though" kuroo said proudly, probably daydreaming about kenma again.

"kenma and baby do not go in one sentence" hanamaki suddenly said making people in the bus snicker. though, there was truth to that. everyone who at one point or another had met kenma would agree that there was nothing in his behavior that would show that he has a cute side, though kuroo kept insisting otherwise.

"hanamaki and baby, however, do" matsukawa said as he finally lifted his head up and took off his glasses. in his hands a device full of wires and whatnot.

"awh, you really think so?" hanamaki looked at him with wide eyes and an adorable expression on his face as half of the people in the bus cringed and turned away from them. "even if i kill people you love?"

"makki, i am literally finishing up my bomb as we are speaking, you think you kill people? i am about to take a whole building down" matsukawa said before putting his glasses back on and continuing messing with the wires.

"why did you hire them, sawamura?" kuroo asked as he looked at daichi.

"hanamaki is good at combat, his place in the offensive unit was secured the moment i saw him fight and matsukawa is an expert craftsman, he makes intricate and strong bombs perfectly, why wouldn't he be our explosives expert?" daichi wondered. sure, a lot of weird people worked for him, but they were experts at what they did.

there was a reason why kuroo was head of the offensive unit. he was stealthy, quick and cold-blooded - outside missions, he was a dork, yes, but the moment he got into his zone he carried out his job and commands to perfection. he would never hire anyone he did not trust. kuroo simply scoffed at his words and stayed silent, realizing that arguing would be pointless.

"so, who are we missing here? some people are arriving later or have already arrived at the location, right?" daichi turned to ennoshita, who quickly took out his small notepad and went through the pages.

"well, according to what i have, the intelligence unit is operating from the homebase and will not join us. this was kuroo's request. the stationary security unit is also at the base. our strategist, akaashi, is already at the location devising the best attack plan. our infiltration duo is ready to be deployed, also at the location," ennoshita read what he had written down.

"okay, that's good. who else?" daichi took mental notes of everyone. 

"well, our firearm experts are arriving in the other minibus with us. the clean-up squad is arriving shortly and as per your request, our interrogator is also arriving" ennoshita closed his notes and looked at daichi. "anything else?"

"no, thank you, chikara" daichi watched as ennoshita nodded and continued watching matsukawa playing with the wires.

"oh god, they're all arriving? i cannot stand them" kuroo complained again.

"who?" daichi wondered.

"the firearms guys, the infiltrators, and especially the interrogator. he makes fun of me" kuroo glared at the ground. "but i guess they are good at their job"

"we really got everyone for this mission, huh," matsukawa said as he twisted some wires.

"anything for the boss" hanamaki added.

the minibus went silent, only the radio playing could be heard. the ride wasn't going to take a long time, they were all meeting at a specific location after all. a building daichi had seized earlier in the year, a hideout near the mp group building. he couldn't help but worry that one or two of his trusted comrades might lose their lives today, and how blindly they all followed him.

i guess, they all had their reasons, they were all chosen for a reason. it's not like daichi was operating a criminal group specializing in murder only, no, they would be considered more vigilante - fighting other groups that commit crimes beyond daichi's comprehension - mass genocides, human and child trafficking, black money crimes and so forth. daichi was on a mission to eradicate them and everyone who works for him had experienced first hand the terrors of crime.

kuroo worked for a different group against his will, he was forced to kill innocent people all because his loved ones had guns pointed at them, including kenma. if he refused to cooperate, they would hurt someone close to him. or hanamaki, he was an excellent fighter, fighting for his life in secret rings, people would bid big money on him and his opponent would only be considered defeated if they stopped breathing. hanamaki had lost count of how many necks he had snapped. matsukawa... was a bit different. he was an arsonist, he actually accidentally helped daichi defeat his enemies by setting their building on fire and then exploding a secret bomb.

"we've arrived," the driver said. daichi sighed and stood up, opening the door to leave. kuroo followed immediately after, in case someone was ready to strike his boss. he had this weird rivalry with him, but he would never let anyone actually touch him.

as everybody got out in the underground basement, they all headed towards the elevators. the sooner they meet up with the rest, the better. daichi actually hadn't seen some of them in a while, so he was quite excited to meet up with them. they all quietly ascended to the top floor of the building, mentally preparing for the big operation.


Part of the crew revealed! What do you think?

See you next chapter.

- hatari

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