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"your house is under surveillance, sir. we made sure to station guards within half a kilometer radius just in case. you can rest easy", the head guard said as daichi approached him. the cold wind brazed the empty streets in the quiet part of town, the rest of the houses were already dark. it was past midnight after all. 

as daichi murmured a quick thanks to the head guard he passed him, feeling the exhaustion kicking in as he got closer to the gate. his thin blazer was not enough to protect him from the wind and he ended up shivering slightly, which only urged him to get home quicker. passing through the gate he couldn't help but look at his empty yard, the lack of garden that other people had in theirs.

it was just grass, cut neatly. he sighed. you'd think that for a boss of a massive criminal organization and the ceo of a company that shadows the organization, he would own a mansion with indoor and outdoor pools, massive scapes of forests and multiple lakes - yet all he had was this large house, two stories high, with an attic. 

he bought it in this inconspicuous area in order to avoid suspicion, but also because he wanted to take up gardening as a hobby to help get away from the reality of life, yet he could never find the time. how many years has it been? 

shuffling through keys, he finally found the one for his own house. not like he spends a lot of time here anyway, he has no reason to. he would rather sleep in his office at work, where he can always be alert in case something happens, but i guess after an attempted murder he should spend a few nights in his well-guarded house. even if it was a desolate place.

unlocking the door and walking him, daichi was greeted by stagnant air, it was hard to breathe. he figured he should open up the windows. taking his shoes off by the door in the small hallway that he had, daichi rushed to get to the living room and let some actual air in. as he turned the handle and open the window, he had a second to look around and be reminded of why he actually hates being at his own house. 

the tv, the surrounding shelves, the chest drawers and bookshelves had collected a layer of dust from being untouched for such a long time. when was the last time he actually turned on the tv? he got most of his news at work by hearing his subordinates discuss various political events and so forth, he had no time for movies or shows, so... a tv was just unnecessary. the shelves he planned to decorate with treasures from countries far away stood empty, apart from one vase he got from a business partner.

the bookshelves, half full of books, stood untouched, same with the chest drawers around the living room. what was in them anyway? various artifacts? guns? ammo? could be anything. daichi had no memory of it anymore. the sofa and cushions he bought were still as new as the day he bought them and the space of the living was simply empty. dead. unused. he sighed again, but there was little he could change.

to avoid being reminded of how lonely he is, he headed towards the kitchen. he saw a plate drying by the sink, he used it maybe three weeks ago? he never put it away. daichi opened the cupboard to put it away, it was full of identical cups and plates, everything was pristine new. he put the plate back and grabbed a cup, he should atleast make some coffee or tea, depending on what he had. 

the electric kettle he had stood empty, so daichi ended overpouring it with water. he should ask kenma what coffee he buys, it tastes nice and sweet. daichi likes it a lot, so perhaps that would be a good addition to his cupboard and a bit of motivation to be at home during the evenings. as the water in the kettle started warming up, daichi opened another cupboard looking for anything resembling sugar, coffee, or tea. he found a bag of sugar and an opened can of coffee grounds. 

that will work.

as he placed whatever amount he saw fit into his pristine cup, he headed towards the fridge. it was a nice smart fridge, with an ice dispenser and everything, apart from one sticky note that simply said 'meeting at 9' the fridge looked new (like everything else in his house). opening it, daichi was met by an uncomfortable view of emptiness. there was an opened yogurt, that had gone bad probably weeks ago. and there was a lemon. it had shrunk and looked more like a weird yellow stone, not an actual lemon. 

he always ate lunch at work with his subordinates. the cafeteria they had provided good meals, balanced and nutritious. asahi and he spent hours there sometimes, discussing business and everything else. the small click from the kettle indicated that the water had reached the temperature daichi needed, he ended up pouring too much water into his cup...

"shit..." he said to himself as he sighed, he sat down on one of the chairs by the dining table. the silence in the house was... deafening. he hated being here. it only reminded him of his actual loneliness. other people, his subordinates, while he considered them his friends, some of them did not. they saw daichi as the boss. they didn't want to get too friendly.

asahi was a true friend, but he had his own private life, a nice penthouse apartment to come back to where someone was there to greet him. ennoshita lived alone, but he lived near his family and his good friends futakuchi and aone. kenma always complained about his husband, but you could see in his face and the undertone of his rants - he was happy. 

and daichi?

maybe it was his destiny to be alone. no close family. no lovers. and he wasn't the type to have short time flings. so now at the age of thirty, he found himself all alone, without anyone to lean onto.

"enough... i need to sleep" he said to himself, trying to quiet his thoughts down. he dragged his heavy feet up the stairs up to the second floor. he walked slowly down the hallway, trying to reach his bedroom. there were five rooms on the second floor, only one of which was actually occupied - the one with the best balcony. the other rooms stood almost empty. one had a bed in it too, it was a 'guest room' that daichi had yet to use.

there was a conjoined room as well, daichi had no purpose for it. as well as a smaller room right next to the staircase - completely empty. opening the door to his bedroom, he was once again hit by stagnant air, daichi rushed to open the window and only turned the light on afterward. the bed was the same as he left it, messy and cold. apart from the bed, one dresser, a closet and a nightstand with a lamp - there was nothing in this room either. 

daichi didn't bother to close the window or change his clothes, he could always do that in the morning. he simply fell onto the bed and closed his eyes, trying to escape into the dream world...


Hello hope you enjoyed!! We continue on with a little glimpse into Daichi's life. See you next time!

- Hatari

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