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"boss" akaashi bowed slightly as he watched daichi walk in with tens of people behind him. all rushing to check out the guns and get their gear ready. you don't simply rush in without any protective gear, you know?

"akaashi, thank you so much for joining us here. having you makes me feel at ease" daichi sighed as he rushed over to akaashi, pulling him into an embrace that akaashi returned. 

"no need to thank me. i'm just glad to be of help. i was getting bored and suddenly you ask me whether i want to help with the mission. how could i say no?" a small smile crept onto akaashi's face before he sat back down.

"is your leg better?" daichi windered as he looked at the cast on akaashi's leg. it wasn't a pleasant memory, no, he hated the fact that akaashi got injured during their last mission. he didn't expect the other group to have a stealth unit that attacked akaashi in their previous location for the job. though akaashi got injured, the unit stood no chance once the interrogator came after them.

"yeah, it's better. i think i will be able to take the cast off soon. that will make my life much easier" akaashi let out a chuckle.

"you know you could have worked from the base, right? you would be much safer there, plus kenma misses you a lot" daichi looked around, seeing everyone getting ready for the mission.

"yeah, but i would prefer to be here. don't worry about me. let's wait for everyone to gather and i'll tell you what i have in mind" akaashi watched as daichi nodded. "plus as much as i miss kenma, he would distract me"

"right. you're here, so we are missing the interrogator, the duo and the clean-up squad" daichi murmured to himself.

"we're here" a voice spoke from behind him, startling him just slightly. daichi turned around only to face a group of people, all wearing distinct white gloves that helped them stand out from the rest. three faces in the front, however, were the most recognizable as daichi picked them out himself.

"you're all here, huh" daichi said, stunned that they all gathered.

"well, when we heard about your attempted murder, we got mad." suna said, his voice quiet, but distinct enough for daichi to hear. though he didn't show much atention, daichi could see an aura of anger around him.

"yeah, they really dared to lay a finger on you" yaku followed up, his eyes filled with rage. he cracked his knucles, exhaling deeply as they cracked loud enough for daichi to hear in amidst the chaos.

"as the leader of the unit, i called everyone. we may not fight, but we will show no mercy. i'll personally dissolve them all in acid baths" sakusa finally spoke, removing his mask from his face. "and if some of them are alive, i will slowly slowly drown them in my special mixtures..."

daichi... was kind of scared of the clean-up unit. while the rest of them were up to no good, it took a different kind of psychopath to get rid of bodies and blood. with sakusa in the lead, and suna with yaku as his support, the unit would leave no trace of dna. daichi still remembers sakusa applying for the clean-up unit, he stated in his interview that he had a passion for cleanliness and getting rid of bodies as if it was the most normal thing to say.

"i'll leave that up to you. you have your vans ready, right?" daichi wondered.

"of course, many" suna nodded.

daichi admired them for a minute, before noticing that the elevator door was opening. someone else had arrived. the moment those two heads walked out and headed straight for daichi, he heard sakusa sigh deeply. with confident and quiet steps they easily got through the crowd of people and reached daichi in a matter of seconds - showcasing their skills as the infiltration duo.

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