~Here we are~

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Bonus chapter 2/4! Continuing straight from the last one, since I cut it off when it was getting too long XD

**TW same as before, lots of overthinking

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Tsukasa was not, in fact, at school on Tuesday.

Rui found out for sure when the school day finally ended, and there was no sign of his Star.

He'd checked everywhere he could whenever he had the free time. The roof, the garden, the nurse's office, even the bathrooms, on the off chance Tsukasa was hiding out in there, something Rui would never imagine the Star doing willingly.

But there was no sign of the blond anywhere. Even with their friends and acquaintances looking, they didn't spot Tsukasa once.

Rui felt a bit disheartened as he switched out his shoes at the end of the school day. He'd really been hoping to talk to Tsukasa. Especially after pulling that all nighter again...

"Dad needs my help at the cafe for a little bit, then I can meet you guys! Unless you just want to wait for me there. Kohane's ready to do whatever we decide to do."

"We'll probably just wait at the cafe. You can let Azusawa know to meet us there."

"I have my phone out already, I'll text her."

"Thanks, Akito!"

"Yeah, whatever."

Rui glanced at the group of three as they passed to head for their shoe lockers. His eyes narrowed when he looked at An, thinking.

He vaguely remembered her talking about her girlfriend. Azusawa. And he'd seen them together in the audience many times when they went to see WonderShow perform.

... Maybe it was a good thing Tsukasa hadn't come back to school yet. It gave Rui more time to prepare for when he saw him again.

With a hum to himself, he closed his locker and walked closer. Toya glanced at him, tilting his head curiously.

"Shiraishi?" Rui asked.

She looked up from fixing her shoes, her eyes wide.

"Hm? Oh, Kamishiro! What can I help you with?" She asked.

"Would it be alright if I borrowed you for a moment to ask you something?"

She glanced at her phone, then nodded.

"I have a moment to spare. I'll meet you guys at the gate!"

Toya nodded, then turned to Akito as he started talking to him. Rui headed out of the building and towards the front gate, An falling in step next to him.

"What's up?"

"Azusawa is your girlfriend, correct?" he asked.

"Yep! Kohane's my girlfriend!"

"Who confessed first?"

An glanced up at Rui with a glint in her eye as she grinned slowly.

"What's this about?"

"Ah, I'm just asking around for reference..."

"Does it involve Tenma?"

"Perhaps," he chuckled.

An grinned, then nodded and looked ahead.

"Well, I was planning to confess to Kohane, but she ended up beating me to it!"


"Mhm! She accidentally blurted it out after one of our practices. She was super tired that day, and was a little out of it. I was trying to help her rest before she headed home, and then she said she loves me and panicked a bit when she realized she said it!" An giggled, smiling at the fond memory.

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