~Rekindle our flame~

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I was gonna wait another day or two to post it, but I feel the chapter's ready now, so here it is!

Plus, I'm just super excited to share the upcoming chapters once I finish polishing them up, along with this one hehe!

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Tsukasa's mattress shifted as small hands gripped his shoulder, shaking him. He opened his eyes, blinking sleepily at Emu as her frown grew.

Was he dreaming? How did Emu get in his house...?

"Tsukasa, wake up!!!"

Nope, he wasn't dreaming.

He groaned, turning away from her as he covered his ears.

Her voice was at its normal volume, but it seemed so loud just now. Maybe because he'd just woken up? Or maybe because they were inside?

Emu shook him again, rougher this time.

"Stop, Emu," he mumbled, pushing her hands off him.

His arms wrapped around one of his pillows, his legs curling to his chest as he held back a yawn.

"You didn't show up to practice, and you weren't answering our calls or texts! We got worried about you!"

Nene took a seat next to Emu, pulling the girl off Tsukasa.

"I just don't feel good," he mumbled, rolling over.

"Is it 'cause of what happened with Rui? Or are you sick?" Emu asked.

Tsukasa flinched as Nene adjusted on the mattress.

"What happened with Rui?" she mumbled.

"I dunno. But Tsu asked about him at lunch, and he wasn't looking too good then, so I just assumed that's what it was!"

"Tsukasa, what happened?"

They grew quiet while Tsukasa fidgeted with the pillow.

Could he answer their question with his own? Maybe see if they knew anything? It certainly wouldn't hurt to try...

"Has... has Rui said anything to you?"

"About what?"

Tsukasa blinked wearily, before sitting up, sighing.

"About Saturday. When we were at the Wonder Stage."

Nene paused, biting her lip nervously.

"He... mentioned a few things... Why?" she mumbled after a moment.

Tsukasa wiped at his eyes as he glanced at Nene, perking up a little.

"Wh-what did he say?"

"I've been sworn to secrecy," she shot him down instantly.

Tsukasa deflated, leaning against the headboard of his bed.

Maybe if he asked a different question...

"Did he say anything about me?"



"Can't say."

"Can you tell me anything he said?!"

Nene glanced away as she tapped her chin, humming in thought.

"Nope," she finally answered.

Tsukasa let out a groan, squeezing his eyes shut.

"What Rui said aside, what happened between you two? You'll keep feeling terrible until you tell someone."

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