~In other words~

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The first of four(?) bonus chapters!

Like how the summary suggests, these will be in Rui's POV. I wanted to tell his side of this story before it ended, so that's what these bonus chapters are for!

I ended up deciding to split this chapter up after reaching 17k words with this one and only being halfway through Rui's POV XD.

I was having trouble deciding to split them or not (like with the rest of this fic lol) after I started it, but it was getting difficult when I was trying to edit it and I wanted it to be a little easier for myself since I've had enough difficulty with this chapter already with my insomnia getting worse lol

I was aiming for an even 10 chapters (just cause), but it didn't go as I planned, but that's okay lolol

Also, please excuse any inconsistencies between these next three chapters and the main story, if anyone notices any. I was too lazy/tired to fully read everything and double check to make sure it all added up and made sense while writing them, but I did try my best ehe

**And TW, there is a lot of overthinking throughout this chapter!

Anyway, here it is now, so I hope you enjoy it! ^_^

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It was a blissful moment. One he knew he was sure to remember fondly with the days to come.

Rui held Tsukasa against his Star's vanity, their lips locked together. The boy's grip on him was tight, but with him dangling over the floor, and only the chair and Rui's weak and tired grip keeping him from falling down, he didn't have much room to complain.

Plus, it physically brought the two of them closer together. He could feel the boy's heart racing in his chest as he pursed his lips, pressing closer to Rui. In response, he adjusted his position, pressing even closer.

So warm. So soft. So sweet. So loving. So needy. So cute.

Rui hummed, trying his best not to smile like an obsessed mad-man into the kiss. Although, would he still be able to feel Tsukasa's lips as well as he did now if he did? But, no. He didn't want to test that now. He just wanted to feel Tsukasa as they were in this moment.

It was thrilling. It was comforting. It... felt a little like home. Tsukasa felt like home.

Rui hummed again, before he pulled away, carefully setting Tsukasa's chair down as he did.

He really didn't want to move from that spot. He wanted to hold Tsukasa against the vanity counter and kiss him for much, much longer. But he couldn't stand forever. His legs shook as he stood, his exhaustion from the show catching up to him.

A shame he couldn't have a stamina boost at this moment. It would be such a blessing!

But alas, here he was, his legs trembling terribly as he leaned back, looking down at Tsukasa. His Starshine's eyes fluttered open, staring back up at him in a daze.

It was hard to see with the poor lighting, but his star's lips were swollen. He wanted to lean forward and kiss them again. Maybe move Tsukasa to the couch against the other wall, where he could lay on his Star comfortably, without worry of dropping him and hurting him.

A shaky breath escaped Tsukasa, his hands moving from Rui's hair to his collar, clinging tightly.

Rui could gush about how cute Tsukasa was like this. Eyes half-lidded, face flushed, lips swollen from their kiss. And that needy look in his eyes, begging Rui for more.

If Nene could hear his thoughts she'd surely get pissed, or grossed out. She'd already heard enough of his lovesick ramblings, despite being so willing to give him advice and trying to push him to do something.

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