~Misunderstanding and Overthinking~

698 22 156

Just gonna drop this chapter here real quick... ehe

And just in case, TW for lots of overthinking. I'm not too sure if there does need to be a TW, but I'll leave it in this note in case it is needed.

Also, I made the split decision to have them all aged up a year. Give them time to get close and develop their feelings and all lol

~ * ~

Tsukasa peered over the railing as his phone buzzed in his hand. His gaze landed on Saki as she hummed happily, finishing up her breakfast.

As much as he'd like to have his early morning breakfast fit perfectly for a star such as himself, he'd have to settle with his emergency energy bar. His morning routine was thrown off, due to his meticulous planning for this moment...

Well, more like rushed planning. He'd woken up late, and had to get some things in order so he could be ready to leave.

His phone buzzed again, drawing his attention from the first floor. With a shaky breath, he stuffed his phone in his pocket and moved back to his desk, adjusting his tie as he went.

He didn't have a lot of time to act, if he wanted to flee the house successfully. In fact, his time was running out fast.

A chair squeaked downstairs as Tsukasa slipped his bag over his shoulder, moving back towards the stairs.

Saki got up, carrying her empty bowl to the kitchen. Now was the time to act.

Quickly, Tsukasa moved down the stairs as quietly as he could. He crouched past the doorway, praying Saki wouldn't turn around and notice.

He glanced back as he stopped by the door, slipping his shoes on.

It was the final stretch. He was almost free!

He reached over, unlocking the door. He couldn't help but smile as he opened it, stepping out.

Mission 'Escape the house unnoticed!!!' was a success-


Er... mostly a success. He'd failed the unnoticed part, unfortunately.

Tsukasa bolted outside, cursing to himself when Saki's voice scared him. He ran off, leaving the front door and fence open as he went.

If Saki were to catch him, he'd never hear the end of it. And he'd like to avoid her never-ending questions about Saturday. He'd just barely avoided them the day before, thanks to the help of Toya, who'd come to visit.

And usually Tsukasa wouldn't leave Saki by herself before school. He was a responsible older brother!

But Honami was stopping by to get Saki so they could go together. And thank goodness she'd texted him when she did! So, he was able to leave Saki by herself, even for a quick moment.

And speak of the devil!

"Oh, good morning, Tsukasa!"

"'Morning, Honami! Saki's at home waiting!" he replied quickly.

Tsukasa slowed after passing Honami, letting himself catch his breath.

He had no reason to rush to school. Actually, it would probably work better if he stayed further behind his usual schedule. It would definitely worry Rui and Nene if he was running late, but... he still didn't feel ready to face him.

He'd spent the rest of his weekend trying to decide if he would confess to Rui. Trying to decide if he was ready to take the next step and risk everything for this boy.

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