~Together, we can...~

658 19 179

Uhhhhh idk what to say before the chapter ehe

So uh, enjoy!

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Tsukasa blinked in shock as Nene and Emu stared at him from the welcome mat outside his front door, the shorter girl bouncing happily at the sight of her troupe-mate.

"What are you two doing here? Isn't my house out of the way for both of you?" he asked.

"I asked them to come," Saki said, patting his shoulder as she squeezed past him.


"So Nene can walk you to school and get any last bits of anxiety taken care of... hopefully. And also give you time to talk to Rui before school if you can manage it. And Emu is walking me to school so you can go with Nene!"

"Mhm!" Emu confirmed, continuing to bounce happily where she stood. "And I got to walk with my Nene before school!!!"

"What about Rui? You usually walk with him to school, Nene."

"Not on Wednesdays. He has a committee meeting before school."

"Oh, that's right... Hey, I've been curious... Do you know if he goes to sleep on Wednesday mornings? Or does he stay up working?"

"I don't know. But knowing Rui, he probably stays up late enough there's no time for him to go to sleep before he has to head out for school. And he'd say there's no point heading to bed if he's up that late... Haven't you noticed he's usually sleepiest Wednesdays and Saturdays? That's why he always takes a nap at lunch. Actually, no. You don't pay enough attention to notice that."

"And he still insists on performing and going to practice both days- He-hey! I have noticed his naps on Wednesdays, excuse you! I just wasn't sure if it was because he'd stayed up..."

"Uh huh, sure. Either way, it's just one all-nighter. It's not like he's staying up multiple days in a row. I mean... he does it sometimes, but not all the time."

"How can someone run perfectly fine without a full eight hours of sleep?!"

"Some people don't need their energy at 100% all day, every day."

Emu pressed a quick kiss to Nene's cheek as she hugged her, before taking off with Saki. Tsukasa shut the front door, locking it behind him, then turned and headed off with Nene.

No more words passed between them for a bit as they walked, the only noise coming from traffic around them as people went about their morning.

Tsukasa's mind stayed relatively quiet, giving him a moment of peace. Not that there wasn't anything or anyone to think about. But he wasn't sure where to start. Which words to gather as they scrambled about. So, he took the chance to enjoy the silence.

After some time, Nene reached up to fidget with a strand of her hair.

"So... any final thoughts? Any last concerns before we get there?" she mumbled.

"Besides questioning every decision I've made up until now?" Tsukasa half joked, glancing at her.

Nene rolled her eyes, but her lips twitched into a smile.

"It'll be alright, Tsukasa. Rui's probably more in love with you than you are with him."

"Nuh uh!"

"Oh? Are you saying you love Rui more?"

"Ah... n-no! It-it's not a competition!"

His cheeks grew warm as he looked away, Nene giggling at him.

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