chapter 26

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If I thought things were okay before, they certainly are much better now. A weight has been lifted from my own shoulders and Sam's as well from revealing our secrets to each other.

He's visibly at ease, relaxed. Therefor, so am I.

I don't realize that I've started eating more normally again, adjusting back to my plan now that Sam's home. He knows the meal plan I have to stick to, and he helps me adhere to it without making it a big deal.

My slip-up at the beginning of summer was just that, and I've already told my group about it. It's been about a week since, meaning I can put it behind me. I should put it behind me.

Speaking of group, I still go every Tuesday and Thursday. And because today is Tuesday, I have to leave my friends around six-thirty that night to make it for my seven o'clock meeting. But until then, we all lay around Sam's living room while ran patters persistently on the large sliding glass door that leads to their front porch.

"Uno," Noah says across the floor from me. He lies on his stomach like I do, chin gently resting over the back of his hand.

Bennett scoffs. "How the fuck do you keep getting Uno before any of us? Are you cheating?"

"You can't cheat in Uno," Noah rolls his eyes.

"Yes you can!" he narrows his eyes at him just before gasping and holding his cards up against his chest. "Have you been looking at my cards?"

He shakes his head in disbelief. "How would looking at your cards benefit me? We're going clockwise right now, meaning I can't touch you. Blame Chandler."

"I'm not going to blame Chandler," he retorts.

I look up at Sam beside me, and I'm met with the same knowing smirk that I likely have played upon my lips. It's the one that we always give each other when they fight, all the while we just stay silent and always remember to never pick sides.

He looks down at his four cards in his hand, long eyelashes pulling me into a trance. It's the middle of June now, and Sam looks like he's spent some time in the sun. Fair skin is replaced by a golden tan, and then there's the faint remnants of burn on his nose and cheeks to emphasize his freckles that I'm certain I've mentioned before. He's sitting with his knees bent casually, his bare legs showing from his shorts. My eyes greedily trail to his arms next, fixating on them as long as I'm able to before someone notices. Arms that have held onto me more in the last six months than they have in the last few years, unapologetically keeping me close in the most selfish of ways.

"Fine," Bennett's voice snaps me out of it. "Just wait until I drop a draw four on your ass."

Since it's his turn now, he drops a green eight instead.

"That's not a draw four, moron," Noah scowls, then puts down a yellow eight. "Either way, I win."

"God fucking damnit," Bennett groans in defeat.

I roll my eyes and tell Noah, who's keeping score today, that this round I have fifteen points. I push myself up off the floor and move to a kneeling position once the hardwood takes its toll on my body.

"What time is it?" Noah asks.

I look over my shoulder at the clock, then tell him it's almost six.

"Why do you care? You have a date or something?" Bennett taunts.

He shrugs. "As a matter of fact, I do."

We all look at him in surprise. "With who?"

"Don't say it's Maria," Bennett chimes in.

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