chapter 8

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Mid-winter break is within reach. Tonight's art show is the only thing that stands between me, a full week off of school, and a full week with my friends. Sam and I think we can finish seasons six and seven of Friends, which means a lot of time planned together. That makes me happy.

I walk towards the photography wing of the show with Maria, who tells me we'll meet by the drinking fountain at seven-thirty sharp. We both keep our promise and leave Mari and my mom behind, who are intently looking at every single piece of art like it was done by a high school prodigy.

"I think Noah and I are going to make it official tonight," she says quietly to me over the roar of the crowd.

"Really?" I exclaim. "That's so exciting! Did he say he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend?"

She shakes her head. "No. I just have a feeling. I let him finger me last Saturday after we went to the movies, so I'm sure it'll happen soon."

And I can't even get my first kiss? Are you kidding me?

"Wow," I sigh. "Honestly, I didn't know he had it in him. He's always so quiet. When he's not with Bennett, at least."

She shrugs, pushing the now blue streak at the front of her face behind her ear. "The quiet ones are always the best ones."

I remember Sam and I agreeing we were the quiet ones of our friend group. Maybe we'd be great together too.

It suddenly feels like she can see my "Friday" underwear beneath my clothes, because she's looking at me with slight judgment. "Chandler, have you ever kissed anyone?"

"Oh, yeah," I lie. I don't know why I do it, it just comes out. Maybe because the girl beside me who is younger by a couple of months and she's somehow gotten her first kiss and then some, and I've got nothing. Maybe I'm embarrassed. "Yeah. I have."

"Seriously?" she hits my arm. "Who?"

I shrug, feeling the heat flooding my cheeks before I have a chance to stop it. I don't like lying to people because I'm no good at maintaining the lie. It's easier to tell the truth. "Someone from my old school back in Jersey."

"What was he like?" she asks.

"What's who like?" Sam asks.

I stop in my tracks, barely realizing we've reached the photography wing. Sam and Bennett stare back at me, but Maria's already got Noah hanging on her waist beside her.

Oh no. Please just drop it, Maria. Please don't—

"Chandler was just telling me about this guy she kissed at her old school. I wanted to know what he was like," she shrugs it off like it's nothing. Little does she know, its not just nothing.

Before I even look in his direction, I feel Sam's eyes on me pointedly. I told him months ago that I'd never kissed anyone before, which was the truth. But now with Maria blurting my lie out to everyone, he's probably questioning the authenticity of it all.

"Shit, Sam. Sorry, looks like you're the only one of us who hasn't gotten any," Bennett lightly punches his arm.

But instead of turning to him, his eyes stay locked on me accusingly. Angry that I lied. Angry that I kissed someone. Angry that Bennett just outed him for not having his first kiss yet. I'm not sure which one, but I'm sure it's one of them.

Maria and Noah walk off to look at Noah's display, and I stay with Bennet and Sam while I look through their pictures.

"These are really good, guys," I push a smile, my attention leaving Sam. His is still on me. "Bennett, where did you take this one?"

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