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Irtaza smashed his lips on hers. His hand went into her thick locks.
Amna was like a statue in his arms. Her eyes widened in shock and realization hit her. She hit his chest with her hands but his hold was so strong.
She tried to turn her face aside to break the kiss but it seemed impossible.

He was so busy eating the life out of her lips when she scratched his jaw with her long nails, drawing blood.

He broke the kiss, moved back, and jerked her face up by pulling her hair harshly earning a cry from her mouth.

She tried to pry his hands off her hair but his grip was so lethal.

" L-let go!!!" she cried out desperately. She was feeling humiliated by his act. And he was trying to calm his nerves down.

Her hands shot up to slap him but he caught his wrist and slammed it to the car's door.

"DARE TO RAISE YOUR HAND ON ME!!"  he hissed in her ear.

" Please... leave me "A tear rolled down her cheeks and he let go off her with a jerk.

She sobbed quietly and his anger radiated by kissing her to his heart's content.

He knows he has wronged her. But he couldn't control his anger.
Now he has to face the devil aka Sherry because if his lamb tells his bro that I had kissed her then I'm done. I have to make things official soon because I know I can't live without her. Call it my infatuation or obsession.

She hiccuped, her nose and chubby cheeks were red and her hands shivering with fear.

"Get in the car," he ordered her in his deep voice.

She without any word complied immediately and got in.

The ride was silent and none of them said a word. As soon as he parked the car in front of the house she hurried to get out. But he grasped her wrist. Her breath hitched. She didn't dare to look his way. But he is deeply staring at her tears-stricken face.

" DO NOT utter a word to your brother or anyone. If you did then I won't hesitate to pull your tongue out and I'll tell your brother about your affair with boys. "

She looks at him disgustingly and feels repulsed. She jerked her hand out of his hold and ran into the house.

Irtaza get out of the car and look at his phone. Five missed calls from Shehryar and a message.
He opened the message and smile formed on his lips.

" I'm going to USA for a week to look into the business. Take care of my family and my HOOR."

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