Only Mine

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Hooriya jolted in her sleep. The bed under her was soft. A stabbing pain shot in her head and she massaged her head with her fingers and open her eyes groggily only to be surrounded by unfamiliar surroundings.
She jerked up in a sitting position with her hands on her head unaware of the presence in the room. She only recalled that a few minutes ago she was covered with blood and she zoned out that instant.  She looks at her clothes. She is wearing the same black tights but her shirt was changed to blue knee-length. 
Shehryar who was sitting in a dark corner was staring at the beauty in front of him, in his apartment. He was observing her keenly, her every move. His blood boiled the instant he recalled that 'his Hoor' was in the hands of that bastard and he fucking tried to kiss her.

A row of jealousy surged in his veins and he throw the glass beside him with so much force that a yelp escaped her mouth.

Hooriya looks to her left and sees a man sitting there. His bloodshot eyes met hers. Due to the dim light in the room, she didn't recognize who is he. Shehryar stood up. His half-front buttons were open, and his sleeves were rolled up. He walked towards her with slow steps without breaking eye contact.

Hooriya saw him approaching her. She immediately slides back in the bed seeing the manly figure. when the light fall on his face she instantly recognized him.

Shehryar standing at the edge of the bed was deeply staring at her.

With a muster up the courage, she asked looking into his eyes "Wh-where I am?"

A moment of silence fell over before Hooriya break the trance and looks down.

"You are in a beautiful danger Hoor," he says in his deep voice unable to take his eyes off her.

Hooriya felt uncomfortable hearing him she get off from the other side of the bed and with bare feet runs towards the door.
Shehryar who was watching her with his hawk eyes feels amused at her attempt to go away.

Hooriya tried to turn the handle of the door but to her dismay, it was locked.

She looks at him and found him smirking dangerously.
"P...Please o..pen the door " she asked him with a shaky breath.
"Hoor, all the doors which lead you away from me are closed," he says.

Hooriya feels her heartbeat increase by hearing " Hoor" from his mouth. Nobody has ever called her by a short name
" what do you want from me? I am Amna's friend..."
she was cut off by a growl
"Everything!! "
Shehryar started moving towards her with predatory steps and stops in front of her. He placed his hand on the door beside her head and lean over her,
Hooriya pressed herself into the door and looked into his eyes through her lashes. She was trembling due to proximity.

Shehryar watch her quivering chin then raised his eyes to meet her teary ones.

"Your heart, your soul, your body belongs to me, HOOR. you are mine, only mine" he says without blinking his eyes.

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