Who Do You Belong To?

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Hooriya POV

"Your soul, your mind, your body belongs to me, Hoor. You are mine. ONLY MINE."

These words are circulating in my head like a mantra. "Ahh...please God help me."
The way he is staking claim on me I feel like I'm a mere thing. How will I save myself from him? He looks like a mafia don and how easily he kill Umar in front of my eyes. I couldn't get that image out of my head. Then he took me to God knows where and...


Shehryar moves away from her. He was staring at her trembling state. Her back pressed to the door and her hands fist her shirt in a tight grip.
She is trying to take his words when his question breaks the silence

she shudders lightly at his loud voice.

He was patiently waiting for her reply with his hands in his pockets and she was standing like a scared kitten glued to the door.

" P-Please... I w-want to go.." she cried out desperately.
His jaw clenched when she didn't answer him. He marched towards her with long steps and hold her jaw roughly earning a yelp from her mouth.

She started to pry his hand off her face but he didn't budge. His other hand holds the nape of her neck and brings her closer. Her front collided with his chest.
Her hand went back to his to make him lose his hold but he fisted her hair and give a light tug. Her face was up and her neck arched.

"I know who was he. He must be your lover. Huhnn..." he gives her a rough tug
" TELL ME!! Did u have any relation with him? " his hold on her jaw tightened.

"N-No... No... It hurts." she was shivering badly in his hold. A tear escaped her eyes and he loosened his hold on her and give her a push.

Her back hit the door with little force. Her breathing becomes rapid and her hands moved to her nape to ease the ache.

Shehryar steps back and moves towards the window. He fisted his hands on the railing and tried to calm his nerves down.

The room is filled with his ragged breathing and her muffled cries. A moment of silence fell over.

After few minutes
" HOOR, who did you belong? " he asked with a stern voice still giving her his back. He knows if he sees her crying he will melt right away.

Hooriya was taken aback by his question. She didn't know what to say.
She try to say something but could not form words. Her breath got stuck in her throat.

Shehryar turns towards her. She was literally in a daze for a few seconds as her eyes met his cold ones. A shiver runs down her spine.

"Hoor, I want you to keep this thing in your head. YOU BELONG TO ME. If I see you with any man other than your father then I'll kill him right away and you 'MY HOOR' will face the worst consequence." he warned her in a low raspy voice.

She was so petrified at the moment that she didn't know what to say. She nodded her head in affirmation.

Flashback ends

Ya Allah please get me out of this. First Umar had made my life hell and now he.

I can't tell Dad about all this. He will take it on his health. Today I saw how much he was worried when I come back late in his car with a driver. Somehow I managed to lie to him but for how long.

I had to tell Amna about this I'm sure she did not know about his brother. She seems to me a nice soul. Yes, she will help me get rid of him.

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