Chapter 21: Ripped

Start from the beginning

She can not leave

"It's my-my time...I with..." My eyes flash back to hers as she tries to speak to me, speak to me with words that I do not want to hear because I know she will make it.

She is so strong. That is something I have always admired and loved about her. She is so strong.

A weak smile takes over her lips, knowing she is in pain, hurting my heart.

My head shakes, weeps leaving me as I keep pressing onto her stomach with all the strength I have, even knowing she lost a lot of blood.

My hands tremble against her, unable to stop them as fear eats through me, worrying me. "With-with...Leah, a-and D-omi...." she finishes with a feeble smile, and a cry leaves my lips as I continue shaking my head, not willing to let her die.

I will not let her go. I will not let her die.

I will never let her go.

"No...No... I cannot let-let you go..." I whisper hoarsely, leaning over and kissing the top of her head, pulling back to see that her eyes are closed. "No, no, no, baby! Baby!" I begin shaking her body when her eyes flutter open to look up at me, her lips quivering as pain ripples her, but she still keeps that small, fragile smile. "Yes-yes, baby, look at me. We-we, you have to stay awake, baby. Okay?"

My heart throbs in my ears, clangorous and ragged, but I hardly hear it, for my mind is a shadow with trepidation.

She nods, keeping her eyes sealed with mine, tears pouring from the side of her face.

"Remember...remember what I promised you?" I ask, panicking, trying to force a smile on her.

She nods, trying to move when she winces in discomfort, causing me to quickly use one of my hands to caress her face, comfortingly. "You-you promised me to travel..." She takes a deep breath while I keep nodding my head for her to continue. "...The world," she giggles scarcely, groaning, and I nod.

"Yes. We are going to-to travel the world. I promised you that, and I am not breaking that promise. We are going to travel, see-see places you have never seen before, and-and with our little girl." I cannot control the cries that leave my shaking lips. "You are going to travel, baby, just like we promised. Yeah?'' I nod my head, sniffling. It cannot be too late!

"Yeah. I will be b-butterfly..." she smiles, and I nod my head, agreeing.

"Just like a butterfly, sweetheart," I chuckle slightly, but it has no humor but sorrow. "Us against the world, my whole heart..." I mutter, shutting my eyes as I sob. "Fuck!" I hiss with wrath, needing her out of agony.

Why is no one here yet?

"Look-look here," by her soft words, I open my eyes to look at her, my eyes softening at her small smile. "Shh, don't cry," she begins to raise her hand and starts taking it towards me when I use one of my hands to bring it to my heart that races against my chest but now beats against her hand.

"You are the reason it-it beats, princess. I can not let you die...not-not for me...or anyone..." my voice shakes as I speak, staring into her eyes. Green moss eyes, but the green is a little muted now.

"I love you," she whispers, my eyes sliding shut at her words, love hearing her say that. It is like a love song when she tells me she loves me. I reopen my eyes to look at her, her words causing my insides to thaw and a small smile to take over my lips. "I love you to the moon and back..." she gasps deeply after her heartwarming words.

"I love you three thousand, amore mio," my body weakly leans over, and I press my lips against hers tenderly, tasting the blood that she once couched up, the taste of it gripping my stomach, dread and worry washing over me.

Alessandro 16+ / Book 2Where stories live. Discover now