A loud growl escapes my lips, my eyes narrowing fiercely at him. There is an avalanche of pent-up anger inside me.

Rossi fucking stole my girl and got her fucking pregnant, a thought that churns my stomach with both disgust and fury.

"Alessandro, he's not worth it," Ares assures me, his hand on my shoulder, knowing that our priority should be to save her.

"I am not here to argue with you, you fucking dumb shit, but all I want to say is how stupid and messed up in the head you are..." I snarl viciously, my fist clenched, my blood boiling.

"Yeah? Fucking tell me why! Tell me!" He yells, his eyes locking onto mine with a desire to provoke. If he were not several steps away from me, I might have grabbed his neck.

My body flushed as I spoke. "You made them take her. You fucking let them take her from you!" My voice uncontrollably shouts at him with rage and frustration, unable to contain the anger that has built up, particularly when thinking about how he allowed her to be abducted. "You made them fucking take her! She is to be protected and cared for! This is your damn fault!"

He throws his hands up in frustration, his gaze locked onto me. "How the hell is this my fault!"

"BECAUSE YOU DO NOT JUST LEAVE A GIRL LIKE HER UNPROTECTED!" My voice bellows furiously, and I can feel the earth trembling beneath me, the manifestation of my anger. "Not her..." I shake my head, unable to fathom the absurdity of his actions. "Not my Adriana..." I mutter the last three words to myself.

The thought of her suffering like this brings tears to my cold, dead eyes, filled with genuine worry, defeat, and fear for her. Tears that I only shed for her.

"She should have been guarded by the entire mafia. Men should have been watching her everywhere she went!" I always did, no matter where she was, sometimes without her even knowing. I take a deep breath, attempting to regain composure. "God, if only you know how badly I want to burn this world to the ground for her! To set everyone who dares to cross me ablaze, including you, Rossi! I want to set everyone and everything on fire, but because I know she would not want that, here I am!"

I always kept her and my baby sister safe.

My fists were clenching so tight I could feel them burning through my skin.

"She was with-"

"ONE FUCKING GUARD ROSSI!" I show him one of my fingers in a gesture of outrage to convey just how oblivious he has been, shaking my head at his apparent foolishness.

I cannot fucking fathom how he allowed her to be taken so easily. I have had many thoughts about him, but stupidity was not one of them. "Someone like her should be protected always. Every day, every second because she is that special, that important. I am furious that you did not provide her with the protection she needed and allowed them to take her, especially when she is carryi-"

I trail off, wiping my face in frustration, realizing that Lucilla is unaware of her daughter's pregnancy.

I turn towards her, trying to control my temper. "Let us get to the point right now, and you answer my previous question. Do you know anyone who might have taken her?" My voice is stern, filled with impatience.

Every second that goes by, I am consumed by worry, knowing she is out there with some psychopath. The more I try to appear calm and less stressed, the more it simmers beneath the surface. I am a complete train wreck.

"Not that I know of. I've been keeping my peace. Have you not checked with both your enemies since you people have quite a lot-" Lucilla starts to say.

"We're on it," Ares interjects through gritted teeth, his patience running thin.

Alessandro 16+ / Book 2Where stories live. Discover now