Silence fell over the siblings as Lana drove to her large home in a gated estate. Will looked up to his sister who overcame heartbreak more than once. He was young when she married Erik, but he remembered the divorce. There was lots of whispering at home and Lana cried a lot. Then she met Ryan and hated him. He smiled. At the time, he couldn't understand why she didn't like the cool guy staying across the street. Will loved him from the moment they met. He idolized Ryan like the kid in the hospital idolized him.

When Lana turned in her driveway, she pressed the button so the garage door went up. "Does this boat fit in there?"

"Ha, ha. You're not funny. Sam gave me the same shit the last time he was here."

Will turned to her. "When was Sam here?"

"Last fall, Rory met him here for a few days off."

"He travels more than me. At least I have home games."

Lana shook her head and smiled before climbing out of the vehicle. He followed her and grabbed his bags. "What's so funny?"

"Funny? Nothing."

"You were laughing." If his hands were free, he might tickle her.

"Not laughing. Put your bags down. The kids will bring them up later. Water?"

"Yeah, thanks. What are you raising bellhops?"

"No, but they're so excited about your visit."

"Why were you smiling?"

"I was just thinking about how far you've all come. I remember you as a stupid teen."

"I wasn't the only stupid one."

"You won the prize, but Rory was the runner-up."

"I was thinking about when I loved Ryan and you hated him."

She smirked. "I never hated him, exactly."

"Could have fooled me, but I am a fool." He frowned.

Lana sat next to him on a bar stool and put her hand on him arm. "No, you aren't. What's wrong?"

He gulped down air. "She never loved me and I still love her."

Lana frowned. "I'm sorry. I, um, I should have... Nevermind." She waved her hand in dismissal.

"Should have what, Lan?"

"Told you, but I knew you wouldn't want to hear it."

"You knew?"

"It was obvious. You tried way too hard."

"You didn't like her." He spat feeling the familiar need to defend Hailey.

"Because she didn't love you. See you are defending her, but you don't have to anymore."

He looked at his sister. Pushing his anger onto her wasn't the answer. She had protected him his whole life. Lana was a teen when he was born.

"Will, your greatest strength is your biggest weakness."

"How I catch the ball?"

"No, personality strength."

He looked at her sideways. "Give me a clue."

"You love hard. For me and Rye and the kids, it is amazing to be recipients, but for you it leads to heartbreak."

"No, shit. She called me yesterday, and I got excited."

"What did she want?" Lana frowned.

"One of her little patients was a fan, so I went to meet him."

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