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Win was awaken by the warm rays of sun that were making their way through the window. The gentle fragrance of lavender made Win's nose twitch a bit. He smiled and rubbed his stomach gently, saying good morning to his little one.

When he opened his eyes, he was welcomed by the breathtaking view of his husband sleeping soundly next to him. He reached out and caressed his husband's head, softly playing with his hair. Win sat up to drink a sip of water when his eyes met the clock. It was almost ten thirty a.m and his husband was still sleeping.

Win frantically shook the sleeping male's body trying to wake him up. "Shit Bright wake up!! You're late for work!! You always wake up on your own, what the hell happened today. Oh wake up will you"
Bright took a glance at his wife panicking and almost kicking him out of bed. "Good morning to you too baby" That's all he said while Win had a confused look on his face.

"Good morning?! Bright You're late"

"I'm not late"

Bright sat up, facing Win and gave a quick peck on his lips and his stomach. "What do you mean by that"

"I don't have work today baby, it's my day off" Win let out a sigh in relief. Bright smiled and leaned in for another peck.

"Then why didn't you tell me that earlier Bright! I was so worried" He crossed his arms against his chest making a pout. Bright laughed softly.
"I'm sorry my love. I should've told you but you looked so tired last night. I'm sorry na" Win nodded slowly.

Bright was off in the kitchen making breakfast for Win and as for his wife, he was deliberately taking his time choosing a shirt to wear. When he was a few months pregnant, he started wearing Bright's clothes since they'd always be baggy and would fit Win with the belly growing bigger and bigger.

Now that Win was 8 months pregnant, Bright had bought all the things they'd need if Win goes to labour. Everything was well prepared for their little one. They had made a new room for the little guest but hadn't painted the walls yet not knowing which gender it would be.

Win wore a Blue double excel shirt on and went off to the kitchen. He didn't bother putting on pants because he couldn't even bend down to put them on. Bright would usually help him with pants and shoes when they leave for their evening walk.

Bright was in a very incredible mood which surprised Win a little. "Baby do you want some pancakes?" He shouted and Win said a okay. Win could see that his husband was usually happy and hyper today, he became very suspicious of him suddenly

"Here you go, pancakes with syrup and cherry on the top. Do you want some strawberries too?" Win narrowed his brows making a questioning look.

"Why are you looking at me like that Win?" Bright asked trying to suppress his cheeky smile. "You're acting very suspicious today Bright. What did you do?" Bright felt like he was being interrogated for commiting a crime or something like that.

He gulped down his saliva. "Wha- no, why would you think that? Haha" Win continued glaring for few more minutes then started digging on his food. Bright let put a sigh of relief and went off to the kitchen. He took out his phone and texted someone.

After having a sweet breakfast, the couple lay down on the couch binge watching twilight. Win lazily laid his head on Bright's chest, when he heard his phone ring. It was Nani.


"Hey Win how are you?"

"I'm okay I guess. We just video called last night Nani what's up?"

"Oh ye-yea I was hoping we could hang out today"

"Hang out? I thought you were busy interning and flirting with Dew"

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