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Bright pov

I was too endorsed with Devika that I almost forgot Win was here with us as well. I turned my head when I heard him cough awkwardly, did he catch flu?

"Oh and this is my wife Win. Baby this is Devika my old school friend." Win gave an awkward smile towards Devika. "Come sit with us." I offered her a seat which she declined immediately. "Oh no no I don't want to ruin your date. Your wife won't like it Bright" She elbowed me teasingly and I shook my head, smiling a bit.

"We won't mind, right Win?!" Win's expression changed but still he had a smile on his face. "Oh yea of course. You should join us Devika" He said and I immediately grabbed a seat for her beside me. Devika and I were catching up after a very long time so I had a lot to talk to her as well.

"Oi Bright you are so cruel why didn't you invite me on your wedding huh?"

"Don't sulk na.. we got married in a hurry so I couldn't invite anyone not even my mom. If we get married again, I'll invite you." I faced Win and I could see his face was red after hearing my last sentence. I chuckled and gave a peck on his cheeks before turning back towards Devika.

"Bright we should hang out more. How about we have dinner tomorrow night at my place. I recently got a new apartment nearby."

"Oh that sounds nice but Win is pregnant right now and I don't think he would like to go out more. Plus his crazy food cravings isn't a nice view to watch" Devika started laughing frantically after hearing me tease Win. We continued talking until she got a call and said she had to leave early. She gave me her contact number before going and congratulated us on having a baby.

After Devika left us, I noticed that Win had stopped eating. He asked to go home and I couldn't say no. The whole ride back home was dead silent and none of it was comfortable for me. I could hear Win sighing every two minutes and I was honestly scared if I should ask him what happened because his mood swings can be scary sometimes.

After hearing him sigh for the nth time, I broke the silence and asked him what had happened. He just shrugged his shoulders and turned his head towards the window. I stopped the car and turned my body towards him.

"Okay Win what's wrong? You've been cranky for a while. Is it your mood swings again?" I said as I was genuinely bothered and wanted to figure out what was wrong. No response.

After a while, he turned his head and just stared at me. Uh-oh what the hell did I do now?!

"Win why are you staring at me? It's scary baby" I said as I attempted to lift up the mood but he wasn't having any.

"You tell me! You should know what you did" See I screwed up again. What did I do this time? I cleaned the house twice today and I washed all the dishes last night. I even did the laundry so why is he this moody.

"Seriously Bright!! How can you be so clueless" He shouted no no scolded me for god knows what I did. I could only shrug my shoulder in response.

Win pov

Is this guy serious? How can he be so clueless?? He met his "old school friend" while we were having lunch and I haven't even heard him talk about her. Plus he even asked her to join us to eat with us. I know I'm being very silly right now but I can't control my emotions because of this pregnancy. And he even teased me in front of her.

They were sitting so close that I thought any minute she would crawl on his lap. He totally forgot about me since she sat down next to him. The audacity this guy has..

"Seriously Bright!! How can you be so clueless" I was trying my very best to control my anger.

"I don't know. What did I do wrong baby?!" Oh no you don't get to "baby" me after making me jealous over that slim hot bitch (sorry).

"I'm sorry okay... are you having mood swings baby? Should I get you ice cream?" He asked with the gentlest voice ever but wait mood swings seriously?! I took a sigh and glared at him.

"I thought my weird pregnancy cravings were unappealing to you Bright"

He shook his head and laughed

Why is this guy testing my patience today? He is laughing at me now?! "So you're just gonna laugh at me now huh?" I said still glaring at him with my arms crossed.

He slowly took my hand and rubbed his thumb on the back side of my hand. Although I didn't want him to touch me, I found peace in his touch.

"I didn't mean to upset you Win. I was just joking with her but if you're offended then I'm sorry. Please forgive your dumb husband na" He smiled. Now this is cheating, how could he upset me and now smile at me as he knows so well that his smile melts my heart.

I looked away from him but he held my chin and made me face him. Bright poked my cheek softly and said sorry again but I couldn't give in yet. Not just yet.

"Come on baby!! Forgive me hmm.. I promise I won't joke about such stuff again. I don't know what's the fuss about, I just told her the truth anyway"

No you didn't!

"Why don't you go to your "friend" Devika then if you're fed up of watching me eat weird stuff Bright" Shit I spat it out.. ugh I was supposed to say that in my mind just to myself

"Wh-what?" Bright started laughing hysterically. While I was in the car not knowing what to do, should I run home or should I play dead? Okay the second option actually sounds nice. So I closed my eyes and leaned to my side of the window ignoring Bright dying of laughing in the background.

"Win" I heard him call my name but I still kept my eyes closed. Then I felt a kiss placed on my lips. I slowly open my eyes and saw Bright so close to my face, smiling at me. "You're so cute, you know that" Bright leaned in for a kiss again but I pushed him back and I heard him chuckle.

"C-can we just go home now"

He proceeded to laugh for a few more minutes and we hit the road again.

All the way back home, Bright kept looking and smiling at me while I was trying my best to hide my embarrassed red face.

As soon as he parked the car near our house, I fleed inside as fast as I could. I got in and sat on the couch, catching my breath. Bright came in just few minutes after me and handed me a glass of water. I murmured a thank you to him and he smiled as always.

"Baby look at me" He said as he sat next to me

I could feel his glaze on me so I slowly turned my head to face my husband. He held my hand and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry I made you jealous but trust me baby, Devika is really just a friend. She and I have been friends since our school days. Plus she is already married. There's nothing to worry about okay. You know I love you the most" I smiled. Maybe that's what I wanted to hear from him all this time.

I reached over to him and sat on his lap. His hands found their way towards my waist immediately.

"It's just my pregnancy that is making me feel such mood swings. I'm sorry. It may seem a handful right now but I can't help it Bright.."

Bright rubbed my stomach and held me tightly. "It doesn't matter okay. You don't have to apologize to me, ever. Just your existence is enough to make me happy. No matter how bad your mood swings might be, I'll never be tired of taking care of you and this little one over here." He said and I simply nodded.

He placed his head on my chest and I hugged him tight. Sitting in silence never felt so romantic. "Bright what will we name our little one?" I asked.

To be continued^^

Any suggestions for the baby name??? Let me know please because I have no idea! If you enjoyed reading this chapter then do vote and comment below🩷

Thank you for reading and keep supporting BrightWin 🩶

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