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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. It had been almost 2 months since the last time Bright saw Win although they frequently texted each other, Bright missed his husband's warmth. The house was so empty and cold now.

[10:30 p.m.]

Bright: Win heyy.. it's bright um I was wondering what you're doing. Text me when you get time...

[1:07 a.m.]

Bright: I guess you're busy. Um text me when you get time bye...

[9:56 a.m.]

Win: oh shoot sorry Bright my phone was misplaced and I forgot to text you back. How are you

Bright: Heyy good morning
I'm good.. how are you?

Win: well it's hectic since my cousin has given me all the responsibility for her wedding. Oh actually the wedding is on Saturday, would you like to come?

Bright: of course Win I'll be there and don't overdo yourself. It must be hard on you.

Win: ah it's fine. Oh hey Papa's calling me, I gotta go. I'll text you later bye ^^

Bright: okay Win take care..
Bright lay flat on his bed while his eyes staring at his phone waiting for a certain person to text him. He missed Win so bad but even if he could see him, he wouldn't be able to hold him in his arms and kiss him.

They have been married for 2 years now and they hadn't been away from each other this long before. Last few months were making Bright even more devastated since he couldn't even see Win any more. He missed his warmth in their bed. Bright couldn't possibly give up on his husband, he loves Win and he needed to let Win know how much he needs him.

It was apparently ten o'clock at night and Bright kept waiting for Win to text or call him. He kept rolling and tossing in his bed waiting for his phone to ring. The bored man couldn't stop but groan at himself. He looked through his gallery and found Win's picture. His husband Win.. Bright didn't wanted to wait for him anything, he was desperate for Win. So he got off his bed, took his car keys and went off to see his husband.

Bright POV

I have no idea what the hell am I doing this late at night. I can just facetime him or meet him tomorrow morning but my heart isn't listening to me at this time.

As I'm driving, my heartbeat fastens and it keeps repeating Win's name over and over again. I'm trembling but still I keep going just to see him. I just want him to never let go of me, I need him to be with me forever because I love him.

It's been 30 minutes since I reached in front of his house and I couldn't bring the courage to call him out. With trembling hands I dial his number and within seconds, he picks it up.

Hello Bright

Um ha...hi Win *shit I'm stuttering*

Is something wrong Bright?

Er actually Win... I'm in front of your house right now, can you...can you come outside for a minute please *my heart was beating so fast and loud that I was scared for a minute thinking if Win could hear it through the phone*

Oh you're here.. wait a second I'll come there...

With that he hung up the call and in no time he came through that wooden door, smiling at me. "Hey Bright!" He waved at me and I slowly got off my car, standing face to face with my husband. He looked as beautiful as ever. How can anyone look this good at this time of the night.

"Um Bright... Are you okay?"

Without wasting any more time, I grabbed his waist and hugged him tightly, causing him to gasp in shock. Umm I missed his scent... I placed my face at the crook of his neck, inhaling his body scent. He giggled a bit which made me feel at ease.

"Win.. I miss you like so very much." I started tearing up.

"Bright.. Bright I'm sorry I'm so sorry please don't cry. I..I miss you too" he slowly patted my back in a circular motion trying to comfort me.

"Win I love you. I love you so much. I can't explain to you how much I love you. Can you just promise me one thing baby please"

"Bright... whaat are you doing"

"Promise me that you won't give up on us.. I beg you Win please don't give up on our love please"

"B..Babe I won't give up on us, I promise"

I looked at him in awestruck. Did he just call me "babe?" That's what he used to call me before the accident happened. Does he remember me now. Did he gain his memories now..

"Baby what did you just call me right now?"

"Um Babe? I just felt like to call you that.. are you uncomfortable?"

I let out a chuckle and hugged him. "Baby you never fail to make my heart flatter." Win giggles softly upon my ears. "Win can I kiss you?"

To Be Continued^^

Boring wasn't it?! I know I had no idea how to make it interesting but I tried my best. If in case a good idea pops in my head then I'll edit this chapter..
Thank you for reading and keep supporting brightwin 💓

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