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The next morning, Win went shopping with his friends when they came across a flower shop. They started snooping around when Win spotted a familiar face in the crowd...

"Earn is that you?" Win shouted while smiling widely waving at his old best friend. He walked towards her and hugged her. "It's been so long since I met you. How are you?"

"Yea I'm good. How are you Win?" She asked but she sounded some what nervous and didn't even look at Win while talking. Win thought maybe she was not feeling well and brushed off the feeling. "Win I just wanted to say sorry about the whole thing. I swear after you found out about it, your father ended it with me and we haven't met each other since then."

"What?" Win was confused. What was she talking about and why was she sorry. "Win I swear it wasn't so serious, it was just physical. I wanted to tell you but it just didn't feel right telling my best friend that I'm dating your father." She held Win's hand trying to explain herself.

Win was too stunned to speak. His father had been in an affair with his own best friend and he didn't even know about it. He just smiled at her and took a cab home. On the way home he was crying continuously thinking his own papa did something that hurt him so much. But he was more upset thinking about his mother still staying with his father who cheated on her.

"Mom where are you?" He shouted when he rushed inside his house feeling all the emotions going through his mind. "Aow why are you screaming Win? What happened?" She said while she made Win sit down on the couch.

"I met Earn today in the flower shop" Win's mother's face changed upon hearing her name. "Why didn't you tell me Mom? Why did you all hide it from me? That's why I ran away from home isn't it?" Win's mother started crying but she still tried to calm Win down.

"Win, angel listen to me. We never intended on hiding it from you. I was just waiting for the right timing and it had been such a long time since you finally came home. We were finally happy baby."

"Happy?! Mom he cheated on you with my own best friend!! How could you still live with him after he slept with someone else?"

"You think I didn't want to leave him? I had already packed my bags but then I came across our family album. I saw your childhood photos and I remembered how happy we were back then. Win I decided to stay with him for all the right things he did and forgot the one wrong thing he did."

"You tried to rewrite the past by using my condition as an excuse. I can never be happy in a house like this Mom." With that Win stormed out and ran away.

It was raining heavily and it was almost ten o'clock when Bright heard a knock on his door. He lazily reached the door and to his surprise he saw his husband drenched in rain standing in front of him. "Win" he called when Win lost consciousness and fell on Bright.

Bright carried his husband inside and made him lay on the bed. Win was shaking terribly as he had fever. Bright was panicking alot in the beginning but he eventually calmed down when Win stopped shivering. He changed Win's clothes and wiped his body with wet cloth. "Baby I hate to see you this way" Bright said while carefully caressing Win's hair.

After sleeping for five hours, Win opened his eyes and saw Bright sleeping next to him while hugging him tightly. Win carefully brushed off the hair covering Bright's eyes. He flinched a bit and opened his eyes. "Are you feeling better baby?" He asked while planting a kiss on Win's forehead.

Win nodded and placed his head on Bright's chest. "Bright did you know about my papa's affair?"

"Yes I knew about it"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Win started crying under his breathe but Bright heard it and he carefully wiped his tears. "Baby I wanted to tell you about it so many times but since you were so happy with your family, I thought I shouldn't spoil it." He kissed his cheeks one by one.

"How did you know about it?"

"I met with Earn in the flower shop today."

"You should've called or texted me baby. You came all the way here drenched in rain and you got sick eventually."

Win smiled a bit and faced Bright. They intertwined their fingers feeling each other's embrace. "I couldn't think of anything. I just wanted to see you and wanted to be comforted by you." He snuggled close to his husband smelling his fragrance.

Bright caressed Win's hair. "Baby I'm happy you're back. Can you stay here with me now..... please"

Win started giggling after seeing his husband pout at him cutely trying to convince him to stay. "How can I say no to my husband"

To be continued ^^

Hmm so the story is getting interesting huh 🤔
How was this chapter guys? I did my best and if you guys liked it please do vote and comment on it..
Thank you for reading and keep supporting BrightWin 🩷

Did you guys watch the trailer of enigma? Win looks so hot 🔥 🥵

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