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"But since you're next to me, I feel much better Husband"

Husband?! Did I hear him correctly? Did he seriously call me husband...

Win Pov
He looked so shocked when I called him "husband" we almost hit a tree since he was in shock. "Oh I'm sorry baby. Are you okay?" He panicked and asked if I was fine.

"I'm okay Bright. You worry too much" I tell him laughing a bit. He kinda looks cute when he is shocked. Bright shook his head laughing and continued driving. After 40 minutes of driving, we arrived to our house.

He opened my side of the door and lend me his hand to come out. What a gentleman. "Here's the keys to the apartment. You should go inside and rest, I'll be back with something to eat" he said handing me the apartment keys. "Come back soon" I shouted while he got back in his car.

I took a deep breath before opening the door. The lights were switched off and I could smell lavender. It's my favourite scent... I found the light switch after struggling for a minute. Although I didn't have memory of living in this apartment, I felt relaxed being here. It felt like home.

There were Bright and my pictures hung on the walls and on top of the shelves. I look genuinely happy in all of the pictures.

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I was going though each picture and tried really hard to remember those moments

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I was going though each picture and tried really hard to remember those moments. But suddenly I felt a very bad headache and I blacked out on the spot.

I heard someone calling my name and I opened my eyes. I saw Bright in front of me at the verge of crying. He took a sigh of relief and smiled. "Win are you okay? Do you wanna go to the hospital?" I suddenly felt the urge to touch his face. I slowly caressed his cheek and shook my head.

"I'm fine Bright. Maybe I was tired that's why I blacked out earlier. I'm okay now" He kissed my forehead and held my hand tightly. "I thought I lost you again baby" his eyes were filled with tears. I felt his sincerity.

I sat up and hugged him. I cried along with him. "Let's eat dinner now hmm" I somehow felt guilty for not remembering him. He must be in so much pain since I don't remember anything about us. When I heard him cry I felt all his emotions. I'm sorry Bright, I'm so sorry.

Bright Pov

He spaced out yet again. My baby has lost so much weight because he was in the hospital. "Win what are you thinking? Don't you like the food?" He looks so pale.

"Uh no it's really delicious. It's just that... that.." I frowned at his reply. I cupped his small face in my palms, carefully caressing his cheeks. "You don't have to hide anything from me Win. You can tell me anything without hesitating"

"It's just that I feel really guilty Bright. I mean you must be so hurt since I can't remember our memories. I can't even remember you-- I'm really sorry Bright" he started sobbing. Oh my poor baby.

I hold his chin up and make him look at me. His eyes were red and swollen. "It's okay Win. I'll make sure your memories come back but until then we can make new memories for ourselves. You don't need to be sorry to me baby"

I kiss his forehead, his eyes, his small nose and his cheeks. He giggles cutely. I carefully lean down to touch his pink lips when suddenly he opened his eyes and pushed me.

"Ahh I'm...I'm sorry Bright... I just don't think I..um..we should... you know.." he was stuttering. "It's okay Win. I understand.. I just.. I'm sorry I went overboard. Ahh maybe we should get some sleep" he avoided eye contact with me and just nodded.

It was the first time we were sleeping on different rooms separately. I miss his warmth in my bed. "Win you can sleep here and I'll be sleeping in the guest room. If you need anything just call my name hmm. Goodnight"

"But... didn't we used to sleep together I mean in one room? Since you know we are married?!" He said in a low tone. Oh trust me, how desperately I want to sleep next to you. "Uh we did but I think you'll be more comfortable if we sleep separately. If you're scared then let me know"

*knock knock

I woke up to a knock on my door. I looked at the time and it was half past 2 o'clock at night. "Um Bright are you awake?" It was Win.

"What happened Win? Are you hurt?"

"Um I'm scared to sleep alone. Can you uh sleep with me?"

To be continued^^

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