The Horde of Nightmares

Start from the beginning

He dropped to the flat rock below and fell into a crouch, hand reaching for his axe handle, ready. Nothing broke from the tree line or moved, no screams followed his arrival. He stayed crouch for moments longer before he realized he was holding his breath again. His stomach growled again, and he felt dizzy. He needed to eat, but what a terrible time. Reaching back into his pouch, he pulled the bag around to his front and untied the rawhide knots that sinched the bag closed. It was slightly damp around the seams and he knew eggs must have broken during his fight and descent down the mountain. He prayed a silent prayer to Asher, the Goddess of the Mountain, please let me have one fucking egg. He undid the last knot and closed his eyes as he opened the bag, taking a breath he opened his eyes and saw two of the nine eggs weren't broken. He had been blessed by the mountain, and could actually eat now. He reached in and grabbed one of the eggs and cracked it on his axe handle. He held the egg to his mouth and sucked at the raw, slimy insides, it was delicious to him as it slid down his throat. Eagerly, he grabbed the second and sucked it down, he hadn't eaten since yesterday morning and even raw the eggs were delicious. He discarded both eggs and scooped a hand into his bag, coming up with a creamy yellow slime that he stuck into his mouth and licked off of his fingers. The sun had come fully over the mountain and was now painting his landing and himself in it's warm hug. He savored the moment and closed his eyes, embracing the heat.

A squeal broke the silence of the moment and brought him back to reality. He snapped back into his surroundings and heard the sound again. It was above him still, but in the woods. He ran to the edge of the trail, where the wintery forest began and looked up the trail. His eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat. The trail went almost straight up and where it crested, he was looking at more Pigmen than he could ever have imagined. Hundreds were coming over the trail and forests and more were behind them. It was like an army he was witnessing, they were crawling over broken branches and other forest debris like ants over rocks. In unison, the creatures up front squealed as they saw him, the Pigmen coming from behind squealed as well and the whole began breaking into a frenzied run.

"By Asher...what the fuck have I done?" He stammered.

Njal pulled his axe from it's holster, and held both his pick and axe and watched for a brief moment. It was time to leave and quickly, his story would not end here. In a full sprint, he turned to the trail and began running, the army of hellish creatures and their soul piercing screams behind him. He ran faster than he knew was possible, the feeling of tired and cramping muscles becoming a distant memory as his adrenaline and instincts took over. He leapt over fallen tress, protruding roots and boulders. The downhill momentum keeping him ahead of what his normal pace would be. He needed to keep the distance, and he needed to reach the nearest village to warn them. There were nightmares in the woods and they were coming in full force. His breath came in bursts, as the cold burned his lungs as his chest heaved, the forest was a blur as he ran. he stole a glance behind and saw they were actually gaining on him, Gods above it looked like there were thousands of them!

The trees were beginning to thin out as the land slowly became more flat, and the snowfall softer. He was nearing the end of the trail, where it would open out into a small patch of grassy bank before the Mother River. Could he reach the water before they got on him? Would there even be a canoe left? Could these creatures swim? He had so many questions and so little answers. So little opportunity to have any choice except to just act by instinct alone. He burst from the tree line and stumbled, in a full roll. He scrambled back to his feet and began running for the wooden dock that hung out into the slowly moving river. A single canoe sat to the right of the dock, tied by rope and bobbing in the lazy ripples. He stole another glance behind and nearly fell again when he saw that the creatures were less than twenty paces from him now. He could almost smell them, and he could see their beady black eyes that were full of fury and rage set only on him.

He ran to the edge of the bank and leapt down into the canoe, landing with a jarring thud on his butt with his face smashing into his knees. His vision danced with blooms of bursting lights and his head went fuzzy. He tasted blood in his mouth, as he shook his head. The Pigmen were only a few paces away now. He swung his axe at the rope and it cleanly cut through, looking down desperately searching for a paddle, the first Pigman threw himself off of the bank and for the canoe. His hand found the oar and a single smooth motion he swung it at the diving Pigman and connected with it's jaw. It fell off course and into the frigid waters, as Njal frantically began paddling away from shore. He could hear their screaming now, and it made his stomach churn and skin crawl. He was out to the middle of the river, and looking back he saw the vile creatures were lined up on the river bank. Howling, squealing, screaming and clawing at the air they weren't moving. Had he escaped them? He let his shoulders relax, as the river swept him up and began ushering him towards the other bank. His village was only a brisk run from the other bank, and it seemed like he would have time to warn them.

A splash brought him out of his thoughts and back to his chaotic reality. He spun his head around and felt the canoe begin to tip as he watched in horror, the Pigmen were jumping into the water all at once like a rockslide into a lake. They were crossing the river!! He righted the canoe and began his terror induced paddling, this was not the end of the creatures story either, apparently. He had to reach the other side, and had to keep running. He was so tired, he felt it in his eyes and the way his muscles just didn't respond like they should have, but he forced his way through the waters and close enough to the bank, and jumped out of the canoe. He scrambled up the frozen muddy bank on his hands and knees until he finally reached the grass and started running again.

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