This is why we can't have nice things, Seth

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Beginning Notes:

There's a couple cameos from some Bat-related peeps (aka the ones I don't know enough about to comfortably write as 'full' time characters - sorry if I get any personalities wrong)

HUGE thanks to MTayy for helping with clues


Sky takes one last glance out at the audience, gaze bouncing between her siblings and the Justice League, before following Seth through the portal and into the familiar smog of Gotham

— ☼ —

Batman watches as Skylar enters the portal into Gotham. The air above the portal shimmers and an image of the two teens appears as they jog down the streets of Gotham, following them almost like a security drone.

Skylar quickly pulls Seth aside next to a coffee shop and pulls out a note and reads it out loud.

"Begin the competition like the day, work together in an industrious way. Your clue is to seek the sound, look where storage can be found." She looks up at her fellow competitor. "What do you think it means?"

He crosses his arms and glares out at the passing traffic as he thinks. "What sound do you think we need to follow? Music? Sirens? Screams?"

Sky looks down at the paper again. "There's no concerts planned for today, and there's always sirens and screaming in Gotham. That's just how it is."

Batman doesn't outwardly react, but a few league members look towards him with raised eyebrows as a police car is seen speeding past the two teens, sirens screaming.

Skylar and Seth watch it as it turns the corner and disappears from sight.

"Ok." Seth turns his glare to Skylar, "So then what?"

She bites her lip, fingers tapping lightly against the paper. "Well... there is an exhibit on instruments at the museum this month... but maybe the other parts of the clue will play in."

"Oh god." A blue-haired, college student passing by grimaces at the two. "Please tell me Riddler isn't out again."

Seth shoots them a weird look, but Sky just grimaces back.

"No," she explains, "It's not Nygma. We're on a scavenger hunt and we're trying to win. But we're stuck on the clue."

"I love clues!" The teen next to the blue-haired person smiles. "Want some help?"

"No." Seth snatches the paper from Skylar and stalks off down the sidewalk a bit.

"Wha-?" Sky reaches after him, fingers curling into fists when he doesn't turn around. Letting out a groan she turns back to the older teens. "Ignore him. Help would be great."

"Sure thing, I'm Cullen, by the way." The younger teen reaches out a hand, "He/him."

"Sky, she/her."

Cullen nudges the blue-haired person and they groan slightly, "Harper. She/they." They don't offer a hand.

"So what's the clue?" Cullen asks.

"Begin the competition like the day, work together in an industrious way. Your clue is to seek the sound, look where storage can be found."

Cullen thinks for a minute, "Well... the day starts with the sun, right? So maybe it's somewhere to the east? And 'industrious way' could be about... construction maybe?"

"Wait, isn't there construction at some of the warehouses by the harbor?" Sky asks excitedly, "Cause a bunch got destroyed a few weeks ago in that fight with Bane!"

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