Sus (in more ways than one)

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Beginning Notes:

I promised some comfort for the Richardson siblings and I present it to you here and now.

After some fun case files and patrol logs from the Batclan.

I ended up finally deciding on a Supername for Kon to go by in this fanfic since I didn't want two Superboy's because A - that would get confusing, and B - Kon should have already reached Superman status in the comics (But that's besides the point right now). Anyways, when in uniform, Kon will be going by Krypt in this fanfic.


"Sky?... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get in trouble. I'm sorry!" He's hyperventilating with how hard he's crying. Gasping for breath in between each plea.

It's a monumental effort, but eventually I drag my body up and around so that I'm sitting next to him. He dives into my side with a sob and I silently drop a heavy arm across his back.

Eventually he cries himself to sleep. Slowly, I move him so that he's lying down properly on his bed before I lay down myself. Taking one last glance out the window I pull the blanket over my head and fall into a fitful sleep.

— ☼ —

[Batcomputer Patrol Log: April 12 - 16:43]


"Yeah, B?"

"Swing by the address I just sent you on your patrol."

"Isn't this the address of... I mean, this is a random address that I will make sure to swing by. ...... Is... there anything specific I should be keeping an eye out for?"

"Unsure. Simply observe. Don't interact unless necessary."

"Copy that."

[Batcomputer Patrol Log: April 12 - 17:27]

"Anything to report?"

"No. The Uncle left a while ago, but the curtains are drawn. No movement inside."

"Understood. Complete the rest of your patrol and then return back to base. Penny-One has begun dinner preparations."

"Copy that, see you soon."

— ☼ —

[Batcomputer Case File: Richardson, Nolan, Skylar, Robert]

Location: Various Locations Around Gotham

Case Type: Investigation of Potential Abuse

Victim(s): Skylar and Robert (Bobby) Richardson

Summary: Skylar and Bobby Richardson both show signs of potential Verbal and Emotional Abuse since going into guardianship under Nolan Richardson. Evidence listed below. Multiple examples have been observed or referenced by all team members of both Batman and Superman's teams - with the exception of Supergirl who has not interacted with the Richardsons yet. According to Orphan, Skylar is a potential Meta with healing abilities - supported is the ability of which she was able to attend to Red Hood's various injuries on Nov. 9 (see Case File RH-I-N9-RSB for more information)

Evidence: Nightwing noticed on May 4th that..... ....Overheard by Superboy on September 12th..... ....Red Hood reports that on December 2nd Skylar dodged questions about.... ....April 3rd, Nolan Richardson was verbally aggressive to the point of Skylar entering a Dissociative State for at least.....

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