Eldest Daughter Syndrome can suck my..... Sorry Dick, didn't see you there

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[Batcomputer DNA Analysis: Complete]


Maternal DNA: HumanPaternal DNA: Unknown Species

[May the Force be with all of us when it comes to Bobby's birthday this year]

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With everything that had happened in April, I was running behind on prepping for Bobby's birthday.

We were hanging out with the Waynes more often again, but I started letting Bobby go alone with them so that I could do odd jobs for the neighbors. Babysitting, cleaning, walking dogs - anything that I could get done before Bobby came home and I needed to make dinner for us.

It was Bobby who actually started the conversation about two weeks before his birthday.

"Hey Sky?"

I look up from my math homework that I've been struggling with and turn around to face him.

"What can I do for my birthday?"

My face scrunches up a bit. "What do you mean what can you do?"

Bobby shrugs and looks away from me, "I dunno." He mutters, "Like, what can we afford to do."

My heart plummets into my stomach. Bobby's still not looking at me, picking at a loose thread on one of his blankets instead.

I open my mouth to say something but the words die in my mouth. Biting down on my lip I think over my words. I don't want to lie - we really don't have the money to do a whole lot - but I also don't want him to feel like he can't do something just because of that fact.

"What would you like to do? We can figure out what's reasonable from there."

He looks over at me and nods. "Ok, I'll let you know."

"Sounds good." I give him a small smile but he's staring at his book again.

Sighing softly to myself I turn back to my math homework. Staring at the equations that aren't making sense, I look out the window instead. I need to start looking for a job. I turn sixteen next month which means that I can get a legit job without needing parental permission.

I don't get much homework done that night. Instead, I make a plan in one of my notebooks - written in Ancient Greek.

1- get a job

2- save as much of it as possible

3- get emancipated as soon as I can (17)

4- get legal guardianship of Bobby

5- get good enough jobs to support us





Looking over the list again I give a small nod to myself. After Bobby's birthday I'll put the plan into motion.

— ☼ —

That weekend it works out that I don't have any jobs lined up, so I go with when Alfred comes to pick us up to hang out at Wayne Manor.

Alfred directs us towards the backyard where the others are all outside. Damian and Jon are kicking a soccer ball back and forth while Tim and Kon sit in the hot tub with two other teens who I've never seen before. Bobby immediately runs over to his friends to join in on soccer and I head towards the hot tub when Tim waves me over.

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