Zombies, Arcades, and Parties, Oh My!

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[Is it recording? Alright cool.]

This is supposed to be a debrief of everything that's happened in the past year or so, but Batman said that I need to do a quick general debrief too. Something about needing it for the Batcomputer archives - even though I've definitely recorded this stuff before.

Anyways , a quick summary of my life.

My name is Skylar Richardson. I'm a Gothamite, born and raised. I'm also a Demigod - a child of Apollo specifically. My life would be hectic with only one of those factors playing in. But with both? Yeah, no. A peaceful life was never in the works for me.

As a demigod I've fought in the Battle of the Labyrinth, The War of Manhattan, The Siege of Camp Half Blood - Octavian was a blight on the Apollo bloodlines who can suck my-

[Language, young miss.]

[Sorry, Agent A!]

Uh, where was I... Oh! Right! I've also survived the Siege of Nero's Tower, and The Competition. That makes me Five and Counting. Five major events that I've survived, and ready for more to come. I mean, preferably not more, but, you know what I mean.

This debrief that you're about to read is what led up to me becoming The Spartan. We'll pick up last May - after Jason Todd's miraculous return to society in April - and debrief on the past year or so.

[Do I need to give content warnings? I don't know.. ok, uh, Batman's glaring so...]

Content Warnings: There's gonna be fighting, and death, and blood thirsty mythological monsters. And, you know, the normal craziness that happens in Gotham. Uncle Nolan wasn't a super fun time either... I'm not really sure what else to include in the debrief, so... You have been warned.

Welcome to my life, I guess.

Like I said earlier, the best place to start would be last May...

— ☼ —Zombies in This City??? It's More Likely Than You'd Think

Jason Todd-Wayne (19) is PROOF that Zombies exist. Take for example...

Second Wayne Heir Kidnapped by Cult

Gotham has always been a city of mystery. What further proof do you need than the fact that a Mystic Cult kidnapped Wayne Heir, nineteen year old Jason Todd...

Street Rat Scared of the Millionaire Lifestyle, Runs Away Then Comes Crawling Back

Charity Case Adoptions have been a staple of Brucie Wayne since he adopted Circus Child Richard Grayson 15 years ago...

I let out a sigh as I delete the suggested news article notifications that keep popping up on my phone. It had been almost a month since the Wayne's announced that Jason Todd-Wayne was actually alive, and the tabloids had yet to find any new gossip to talk about.

The official story released was that he had been in Witness Protection after seeing a crime. But apparently that wasn't interesting enough for the reporters, so they had taken to spreading other theories on the web.

According to Bobby, the kids at school wouldn't stop asking Damian questions. It has taken the combined efforts of my little brother and Jon to keep their friend from snapping and punching some of the more persistent kids. They had even taken to eating lunch in the Library or the Art Room to avoid their classmates at lunch and recess. Apparently the teachers weren't much better, but they at least had the dignity to not constantly pester a ten year old kid about his family.

Bobby shifts next to me, looking around the crowded sidewalks. We were waiting for his friends to show up to the arcade for his birthday party. Bobby had confided in me once that, while he loved his friends dearly, sometimes he worried that they didn't actually like him that much.

Sunlit GothamKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat