Sun Siblings Unite!

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[Where did we leave off? Oh right, Will called...]

"Nero is threatening to blow up New York if they don't surrender by his deadline. We have a plan but it's risky and I don't like it."

I feel my breath catch in my chest. "When's the deadline?"

"Tomorrow night."

[So what happened next? Umm.... I came out to the Waynes and Kents, visited Camp even though Uncle Nolan didn't want me going, and participated in the take over of a tower in New York - no big deal.]


[Oh... I have to go more in depth? OK, uh, here we go I guess.]

— ☼ —

"Σκατά." I swear under my breath. Tomorrow. "Is there going to be a fight?"

"I don't know. But most likely." Will says grimly. "Meg has a friend on the inside who can help them out once they surrender, and there was a prophecy..."

Running a hand through my hair, I begin to pace up and down the hallway. "Right. Ok. How can I help?"

"I don't know.... Having you here in case there is a fight would be great but..."

My shoulders slump. "But I can't leave Bobby."


I let out a harsh breath. "Ok, maybe I can find someone who he can have a sleepover with and then - "

"SKY!!!" Bobby comes sprinting out of the media room with Jon right behind him. Both are grinning hopefully. "Jon just asked if I could spend the weekend in Metropolis with him! Can I? Please???"

I lower my phone and stare at them. There's no way it could be that easy.... Right?

"Uh, one sec, squirt." Holding up a finger to the boys, I turn back to my phone. "Will, I'll text you when I figure something out." Will gives an affirmative and I hang up.

Turning my full attention back to Bobby and Jon I ask them to repeat the question. It's Jon who answers.

"Can Bobby come spend the weekend in Metropolis? Mom got tickets to the new museum exhibit on Star Wars and I'm allowed to bring two friends!"

"Please, please, please????" The two stare at me with their best puppy dog impressions.

"I - I think that should be ok?"

Jon lights up. "Great! Let's go tell mom and dad!" He sprints ahead towards the sitting room where his parents, Mr. Wayne, and Ms. Kyle were talking while they watched movies.

"Mom! Dad! Sky said that Bobby could go to the museum with us!!!"

Bobby bounces in right after him, and I follow with a wince as the adults all pause in their conversation to take in the overexcited boys. An instinctual burst of panic flashes through my chest but I forcefully push it down. They aren't like Uncle Nolan and his friends. I remind myself. They aren't going to yell at us for interrupting their conversation.

Jon's parents smile at his enthusiasm. "That's great!" His dad says before turning to look at me, "Your Uncle said it's alright?"

My heart jumps a bit but I cover the panic with an easy smile. "Yeah. Uncle Nolan's on a work trip right now. He actually feels better that Bobby won't be in Gotham while he's gone."

Listen. In my defense, it's not a complete lie.

Uncle Nolan is in fact busy with work. But it's something down at the docks for his current employer. He'd already told us that we were on our own for the next week or so - something that technically wasn't illegal, as Jersey had no laws about a minimum age for being left home alone. And he genuinely wouldn't care if Bobby went to Metropolis or not. Even if he were home, Nolan probably wouldn't even notice Bobby was missing. We made it a point to stay out of the way as much as possible. Uncle Nolan's philosophy on kids was that they are to be seen and heard as little as possible. So we spent a lot of time out of the apartment, and when we were home we stayed in our room. Out of sight, out of mind and all that.

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