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Scott's pov:

Everyone stood in the hall trying to get pass people and trying to get their books and things from their lockers.

Until the principle came.

Everyone suddenly got quiet as she walked down the hall. She stopped before she got to all of us.

She looked us over and asked. "does anyone know where the whole groups of kites are....anddd..." She looked again. "Owen argarssi-keldor is??"

I didn't really know where owen was either. Since I had just gotten out of the bathroom...after being kidnapped...and he was gone.

She crowd murmured a collective "no"

I knew owen had his phone on him. He always does. Sure he's not on it very much he always does in that back pocket.

"Scott" the principal turned to me. "can you call owen for me."

"but principal you said no phones used on school campa-"

"I said no phones used on school campus for presents like you, lizzie. Not royals." She principal cut the pink haired blue eyed girl off.

I sighed and got my phone out. I clicked Owens contact and started to call him.

After a few seconds of the phone ringing it picked up.

I asked owen where he and acho was. He said he'd be in the school soon.

After that I hung up and stared at the principal.

"What are you doing?" She yelled. "Go back to your daily schedules now!"

I swear everyone in that building got jumpscared..

Anyway everyone but me continued doing... Normal things..

I sighed. I looked around and saw sausage. After that "flirting" with martyn though...I didn't really stand by h-oh nevermind he came up to me.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me into a supply closet.

"Wha-" I couldn't say anything before he closed the door and placed his..dirty hand on my chin..

"If your going to make out with me the door isn't locked." I said. Smirking.

He looked back at the door. He had me pinned to the wall. But when he noticed the glass window on the door he stopped.

I raised my eyebrow at the sudden change.

Wasn't that normal of sausage to do that.

But I guess he did.

He rolled his eyes and sat down on a nearby barrel. He hadn't spoke.

Actually, I hadn't heard him speak to anyone today. I hadn't heard his joyful beautiful voice.

I sighed and sat next to him on the barrel beside. "What's wrong?" I asked. I didn't want to ask.

But I did.


He quickly leaned In to kiss me. Grabbing my hands.

Our lips touched and i realized he was using that sad effect to catch me offguard.

When our lips parted i spoke.

"oh so this is a new thing? Using sadness as a 'gotcha' thing?" I looked him directly into his eyes.

His smile formed as he replied. "mhm!"

I chuckled. I was gonna do something until the bell rung.

"your lucky." I said getting up. I held my hand out for him to get up aswell. He took it and worked his way up.

I let out a big huff then started walking away.

I held the door open for him before making my way to class.

I snuck into class without the teacher seeing and sat down.

554 words! wrote half of this in the car lmfao.

so like if you've been on traffictwt you'd know that there's this guy named ecto. and they was exposed for some pretty bad nsfw shit. I don't support them but I think it was just revealed that Scott smajor does. Until Scott comes out with an apology and explanation for every piece of drama that has revolved around him in the past few weeks I stand by what I said. No I'm not a Scott supporter or a Scott anti. I will continue to make Scott a crucial part of this story and the chapters to come. I will continue to write about scott.

Also I had no idea what to name this lmao ALSO I RENAMED OWEN!

PIRATESSMP HIGH SCHOOL AU Where stories live. Discover now