a kites class.

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beks pov:

As I walked into class with Toby alot of eyes stared at me.

We both sat down at the kite table.

I looked at the people there and saw Krow , Aimee , Redd and puffy.

"who's this?" Aimee asked looking at toby.

I sat next to puffy. "This is toby! he's a new student."

"hello! I am toby" he repeated.

"You sure this kids a kite?" redd whispered to me.
"he's 14 let it go redd" I whispered back.

I looked over at the other tables.

all of the fractions had their own tables. Yknow , to prevent utter chaos from erupting?

"Are you really a kite?" Puffy asked toby.

"uhhhhhh yes!" He replied.

"How old are you?"



The teacher walked in. Which got every table silent. as the door slammed everyone went silent. Ite like you could hear a pen drop in the classroom.

As she looked over all of the tables she started walking towards ours.

"Fuck." Redd whispered.

"Kuervo. piercings." She held her hand out for krow to give his piercings. The classroom collectively looked at him as he stared the teacher down.

"Krow come on you don't need detention today" Aimee whispered.

He sighed. "So piercings aren't aloud?"

"yep now I'd you don't hand them over you'll have detention."  She replied.

Jeez this new teachers kinda scary..

Krow continued to stare at the teacher.

Aimee sighed and put their head down.

I kicked krows leg as a sign to not get detention.

"oh come on I wanna get out of class! Just give the damned piercings. Jesus fuck.."  Will yelled from the nightingale table.

The teacher slowly turned over to will.

she walked over to him. "I'll let you go this time but no swearing in my class. Okay?" she said.

Will slowly nodded.

While that was happening Aimee put their head up. "Krow please just give the piercings to the damn teacher. we don't want detention today"

well the reason aimee said "WE" is cause almost all of the teachers plot against the kites. If one person at the table gets detention everyone at the table gets detention. Not really fair but hey , we're the violent fraction right?

As the teacher walked back over to us krow continued staring.

"so may I ask why I have to give you the piercings?" He asked.

Aimee groaned and sighed before putting their head back down.

we were all pretty irritated at this point.

"Well it sure's a distraction ain't it?" She replied matching krow's energy.

I sighed.

"well I don't think its much of a distraction?" Krow continued to troll this teacher.

"doesn't matter what y'all kites think. now hand over the piercings. now."


"detention. All of you kites. Now." The teacher demanded.

Toby sat there confused as we all started to get up.

"Toby come on" I said.

We picked our backpacks up and made our way to the hallway. Once we were away from ear reach Aimee talked.

"you just had to get us in detention didn't you , krow?"

"hey , wasn't my fault" he replied as he put his hands up.

"yes. It was! it was all your fucking fault" they shouted back.

"Uhhh so what just happened?" Toby whispered to me.

"krow just-well-dont worry about it. we're just-you know-guys lets just skip detention" I said shouting the last part.
I stopped at the back right in front of the side door to get out.

Everyone else stopped. "Yeah! great idea bek" puffy replied.

"but we'll get in trouble?" Toby replied.

Krow ran out of the door at a fast speed. "DONT CARE"

Aimee ran right after him.

"c'mon toby!" I ran out of the door a bit slower then the others.

Toby and puffy followed.

as we ran down the allyway into the forest toby got a bit cautious. "where the fuck are we going?!"

"the special kite baseeee" I looked back to Toby and said. Making it sound spooky.

"wait what?"

"just follow!"

671 WORDS!

so kinda vent-

my sister and her child was supposed to come to my state and live in the same house I was. cause she lived in a different state. So she was supposed to come and live with us tomorrow but now she's ghosting my mother and grandmother. so my mom has determined she's not gonna come and shes not gonna be at the airport when they come to pick her up.
I really wanted to see her :(

anyways I'm just waiting for more piratessmp episodes from graecie - p!graecie is my favorite pirate after all :)

PIRATESSMP HIGH SCHOOL AU Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora