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Owens pov:

As I and Scott walked down the hallway I saw someone I hadn't recognized.

The person had blonde hair and chocolate-brown eyes. I stared at the person before Scott stopped me. 

"and this is it. study hall," he said as we stood before a large door. 

"Huh? Oh study hall." I stiffened up and entered after Scott. taking a glance at the person I was looking at earlier.

"Owen. come on" I guess I had looked at the person too long. if Scott called me out of course. 

"what? oh yeah ok," I rushed into the book-smelling place. the place was a library. I don't even get why they call it a  study hall. it's a whole-ass library! 

"This is a library. Why do they call it a study hall." I mumbled to Scott. 

"Don't know but I kn-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence and stopped walking at the sight of someone. 

the person was sausage. with oil and Martyn. 

"Oh jeez, why is sausage here" I whispered to him. 

"I don't know" he replied as he started to walk up to him. 

"wait sco-.." he walked up and started talking. "fucking hell I need to get paid for this or something.." I walked up to Scott, sausage, Martyn, and Oli. "ahoy!" 

"Aye! Hey!" Sausage said. 

scott was sitting across from Sausage. while Martyn and Oli were right next to him. 

"so sausage how ya doin'?" Oli asked. 

"Good! Yesterday I and Martyn found his mother's booty and we pillaged it! just like the pirates we are!" he replied joyfully. I looked over at Scott and he had a calm smile on his face.

martyn laughed. "And we might've pillaged each other's booty! ha!" Everyone but I and Scott found it funny. 

Scott got up and walked away. I guess he was jealous. 

"What's his problem.." Martyn mumbled. probably at Scott and Oli but I heard it. 

I got up and went after Scott. he ran out of the building. I was gonna run after him until someone stopped me. 

"Hi!" The person in front of me was Acho. scott's younger brother.  

"Uh-" I looked to the side of him trying to get a good view of where Scott was. I couldn't though. I took a deep breath and then exhaled. "Hello!" I tried to walk away but Acho blocked me. 

"So you're my brother's friend?" they asked. 

"Yeah, you know that acho-excuse me can I get past you? I'm actually trying to find your brother." I speed-talked. 

"I bet my brother's fine! Do you want to come hang out with me and will?" 

I looked around. then found myself staring at that person from earlier again. 

"owennnnnnnnn?" Acho asked. "wannaaaaaaaaa-" I pushed Acho out of the way and started running for the exit where Scott left. 

scotts pov: 

as I ran through the woods of Chromia I wondered. just wondered. 

what would even happen if I just ran forever? no one would know where I am. just me and my thoughts. forever?

I stopped for a moment. then sat on a rock. 

I looked at where I was. a helpless 17-year-old on a rock. with one pebble to his name. or, the heir to chromia on a rock. looking like a helpless asshole. 

until i heard the bushes rattling. noone ever went in these woods. so who was that...

everyones usually so scared of the chromia woods. people say its haunted or something. cause of its overgrown plants.

but i find beauty in the plants. 

i slowly got up. 

im not about to get kidnapped today. not today. any day. but not today. 

i started to run towards what i thought was the exit. 

spoiler alert: it wasnt.

i looked back to see a man. well not a man. a shadow. a shadowy figure just chasing me.

i was terrified. i kept sprinting.

but i guess it wasnt fast enough. cause i was suddenly passed out. 

661 words. the end was hella rushed. anyways sry for taking a long ass break <3 i was gonna do another layout and scene for this chapter but then i said fuck it and just didnt so------

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