Past times.

396 9 12

scotts pov:

I layed my head against the leather hot bus chair.

as other people boarded the bus I started to drift off into a sleep. 

somehow I fell asleep through the loud back of the bus.

I had a somewhat...weird dream though...


(third person)

"mom! mom!" small 6 year old acho yelled.

"buddy you gotta wait. your mom's talking to scott about a very important thing." king Hudson explained to the small child.

"oh. when is she gonna be done?" Acho asked.

"In a long time buddy. now cmon! you said you wanted to play with Ros a few hours ago?"

"Oh! yes yes! did her parents say yes?"

"well her parents aren't home but I asked her parents if I could look after ros while they weren't home and they said yes! so come on buddy!" King Hudson replied with the best spirit.

what was happening in the other room was not the best spirit though.

There lied Queen Aurelia Denholm with 10 year old Scott Smajor Denholm. Having a serious talk.

"now , Scott I called you here to-"

"why are you speaking so formal?"  Scott cut his mother off.

"Scott you need to be more....formal. Cause...Scott you are going to become king one day." his mother announced to him. (Idk if that's the right word lmao-)

10 year old Scott took a second to think. He looked down as he felt his mother laying eyes on him. "wh-what..?"

"yes. Scott stop being a baby , please hun. your too-..." Queen Aurelia replied as she didn't finish her sentence.

Scott continued to look down. "What does that mean.. , mom..? you-you and dad are gonna die?"

His mother immediately looked over at him. "How do u..what's the meaning of the word 'die' honey?"

"its when someone leaves the world..permanently." The child replied.

Queen Aurelia was in shock. How did her 10 year old who , last time she checked didnt even know the meaning of the word Mean already knew what death was? She figured it was that pirate scott's always hanging out with. Owen was it? she's always getting into trouble.

"honey , where did you find this out?" Queen Aurelia asked.

"the people at school. Oliver and Aimee."

"who?" Queen Aurelia questioned.

"Oliver Sound and Aimee Seya." The child said once again.

"I know Oliver but who is Aimee Seya?"

"oh! Aimee seya just moved to this school along with their best friend! Guqqie."

"mkay well Scott I don't want you hanging out with Oliver and this 'Aimee person.' Also do not hang out with the Guqqie person AT ALL." His mother demanded.

Scott was taken aback by the words. As the 6th grade class president he was required to speak to everyone about their thoughts and other things.

He was also in a project group with both Guqqie and Aimee. It was impossible to ignore them! It was also very disrespectful...

"but mom-!"

"no! I do not want to hear it scott. you are going to be king one day and there is no reason to still be hanging out with those...low weirdos. Now Owen is alright to hang out with but no hanging out with street people like them!" The queen cut her child off.

"mom im-"

"what did I say scott?"

Scott huffed. He had a grudge now. How was he supposed to avoid Aimee , Oliver , and guqqie? For his whole life! That's so disrespectful! He thought for a second before opening his mouth up again.

"mom they're kestrels and kites! They aren't weirdos!" scott protested. It only made things worse.

"oh my goodness , Scott! Why would you even think to talk to any kestrels and kites? Theyre so sick in the head! Definitely do not talk to them! ever again scott! You hear me? And if you try to argue again you are grounded for the rest of the day!" Queen Aurelia shouted back.

Scott nodded his head. "Okay...can I leave now? Mrs Vera said I had a project with a couple people. And we are meeting up at owens"

"Yes but remember what I said scott. Kites and Kestrels there? You gotta ignore them. Okay?"

"okay mom.."

"alright now go off on your little adventure. To Owens house."

Scott skipped off to Owens house and then he----

(back to scotts pov)
"SCOTT! WAKE UPPPPPP!" Owen shouted waking me up.

I immediately opened my eyes. I saw Owen there.

"yknow you shouldn't sleep on the bus. Actually mr jayv has made a rule to not sleep on the bus. anyways we're at the school!"

I sighed. what was that dream I had just had?...

I got up and followed owen to the school.

Scott started his school day already so confused.

Why did he get that memory?

Why now?

And what would've happened if Owen didn't wake him up?

814 WORDS. a really good chapter tbh


why the actual fuck do I have the "hEs bOunCiN oN mY bOOtYcHeekS i lOVE ThE wAy hE rIdeS-" thing stuck in my head what the fuck I'm crying-

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