I'm not perfect but I swear I'm perfect for you.."

With another chorus the song ends and Zach has a smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you" I tell him giving him a kiss

"And that's not it"

"There's more? The song was perfect enough-"

"It's not from me" he adds "it's from my mom"

"Your mom?" I gasp

"Yes, not here open it. She hopes you love it."

He hands a bag to me that must have been hidden behind his back because I never saw it. It was small and inside was a small blue box with a red bow. Tiffany's again.

"To match the earrings I got you" he smiled

I pulled out a starfish necklace from the box as beautiful as the earrings he had given me not to long ago.

"Zach this is perfect, I can't believe this."

"You can thank her for it tomorrow"


"Yes, everyone is dying to meet you"

"I can't wait" I smile

"We should go back inside..." he says covering me up "you look cold"

"You could warm me up" I say suggestively

He looks around a bit before leaning in closer to me; he doesn't kiss me at first and instead looks at me like he's studying my face. I put my hand on his face to pull him towards me and he chuckles leaning in to kiss my neck softly until he found my lips.

"Estefania and Taylor just got here!" Mikey interrupts us

We both pull away red as can be and he laughs to himself.

"Umm we're coming" I say standing up

He races back in and I remove the throw that was covering me, I needed some air.

"Shall we?" Zach asks

"We shall" I laugh taking his arm


Zach's POV

All my hard work paid off and I was so happy Valerie was speechless when she heard "Endlessly". Walking back inside she held on to my mom's present closely before going off to her room to put it away. While she did that I took the time to chat a bit with Ethan, and Cameron.

"Hey guys" I say walking up to them

"Yo, so did Valerie like her gift?" Cam asked me

"Yeah she loved both mine and my mom's. How about Laura?"

"Haven't gave it to her yet, we're waiting till midnight unlike you and Taylor."

As soon as Cam mentions Taylors name Ethan suddenly begins to pay attention to our conversation.

"What did he get her?" he asks curiously

"She's wearing the gift right now"

I turn to look for the couple and see them under the mistletoe as Taylor tries to steal a kiss from her. At first I didn't notice it but when she raises her left hand to push him away the ring shines brightly.

"What the hell is that.."

"A promise ring..." Cameron says stepping back

Ethan then leaves our side, walks over to Laura getting in her face. Cameron hesitates but goes over to them pushing Ethan away from Laura. I wish I knew what was going but when I tried getting over to them Valerie returns.

"What's going on?" she asks worried

"Not sure, stay here."

Ethan had already moved on from Cameron and Laura and went to Estefania.

"Let me go!" she yells

Somehow he had pulled her out of her and Taylors embrace and started walking towards the entrance so I did what I could to stop them and stood in front of the door.

"You can't do this to me! I still love you" he yells at her pausing before me

"We are nothing, do you hear me NOTHING"

"But we could fix this, just leave him and come with me" Ethan says pulling her close to him

Taylor comes out of nowhere and pulls Estefania back to his side managing to punch him also.

"Don't you dare touch her again!" Taylor says trying to hit him again but Laura gets in between them

"Taylor stop!" she cries

Valerie somehow ends up behind me and I can feel her shaking.

"It's okay" I tell her

Meanwhile Ethan is on the floor laughing?

"You think he's going to make you happy? You'll never be happy!" he says with a sinister smile

"Ethan shut up" Laura says crying

"And you think you're my happiness!" Estefania cries

"Of course I am babe"

Taylor pushes forward trying to hit him again and I intervene this time.

"You ruined my life!" she added

"You loved my brother, what are you saying?" Laura asked

"You think he's a great guy but you don't know what he did to me" she says turning away

"What did you do Ethan?" Laura asks hitting her brother "Look at me!"

For once Ethan didn't say a thing and looked at Estefania intensely.


What happened next none of us saw coming. There was no way I could hold Taylor back anymore.



lol such a beautiful start and a horrible ending hahahah anyways sorry its short again but shits getting real and im starting to update more for all the time i was gone.

oh and as much as id love to say i came up with that song zach sang i didnt. womp. its a beautiful song by the cab called "endlessly" check it out on the side.


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